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This chapter DOES NOT contain smut!!

"Calum! I'm home-oh, hi Mikey." I smiled, seeing the blue haired boy appear out of the kitchen. "Hey, Calum's still sleeping and Ashton left a few minutes ago. How was your trip?" He asked. "It was good. I got to spend some time with my family and Declan is really nice. He's Tom's boyfriend by the way." I told him. "Yeah, Calum told us after you called him the other night. I should probably get going, I have some school stuff to sort out, but I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you later." I waved before Michael left. I wandered into my room and unpacked my bag I took with me before getting into my bed and watching my favourite film, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Just as the film was about to begin, a shirtless Calum came walking in with a smile on his face. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." I replied. "Let me watch this film with you. I love this film." He crawled next to me and I rested my head on his chest.

We probably would've watched the movie in a peaceful silence, except Megan knew every single word to the film, including the script and the songs and only then did I realise how big of a nerd she actually was. But a cute nerd. Her entire room was covered in band merch and all things The Nightmare Before Christmas, which I found creepy, but again, cute. It appeared to me that I had actually only been in her room three times at the most. We always spent time in the living room or my room.

"Isn't this film amazing!" She grinned as Jack flew through the sky on his sled, lead by reindeer. "It is." I nodded, playing with her jet black hair inbetween my fingers. "It's so sad when they shoot him down. I cried the first time I watched it because I thought they killed Jack, which would probably be impossible because he's already dead, but ten year old Megan didn't understand then." She told me, causing me to laugh as she rambled on before watching the movie again.

As soon as the film ended, Megan flicked onto a music channel before wrapping her arms around my waist and cuddling into me. "I really missed your hugs the last two days." She said. "That's cute." I smiled. I sat up straight, Megan following my actions, cupping her cheeks in my hands and pressing a kiss on her lips.


Im sorry it's a short chapter:))

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