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→ "I want to take your eyes out! Circa, right now"

It was a long and cruel bus ride to Seattle. I have heard 'The Bare Necessities' about seven times. Along with, "Mowgli! No!" and the occasional "Die!"

I was pretty sure that the kid in front of me was going through a whirl wind of emotions on this trip. Because the only thing that could cure them, was the little mermaid. And that was just- great!

So I was on a trip, along with Mowgli and Ariel. In the span on my life on that bus, I wished that the Dvd would freeze. Or the machine playing it, would fry out.  But it didn't and me and the rest of the ridders were stuck with either "Trust in me" or "Under the sea"

I wanted to be under the sea right now! But no, I'm on a road trip back home.

I slept more than anything. And when we arrived, I shot up out of my seat. I grabbed my luggage, and ran off that bus in a scurry. I didn't know if I was supposed to find myself a ride home, or wait for someone to come pick me up.

So, I did the only thing I could think of. I called Iris, and she answered after the first ring. I was met with a series of screaming, and thuds. Hopefully she wasn't getting intimate, that sounds horrible.

"Anna! Hold on let me put Ma on the phone!" She screeched from the other side of the phone.

"You don't need to do that. Just tell me if-" My voice went low, as I heard my mother's voice.

"Annie, where are you? Are you here yet?" She was still that over protective tall woman who raised me.

"I'm at the station, is someone going to pick me up?" I asked dryly to her. No emotion, no questions.

"I got you a cab, honey! I t should be there. I'm not paying them a dime if-" I had to stop her before she ranted on the cab service for the rest of the call.

"Mom, I'll pay them. Just relax, I'll be home in a few okay?" I heard a repressed sigh from the other end,

"Okay, see you soon." She said, and then she hung up the phone.

I put the phone into my jacket pocket, and sat down on the nearest bench. And when a dark green cab rolled up, I just took it. And I figured, why not unwind? I rolled my jacket up, and rested my head back on the seat. 

This was going to be the only sleep I got while I was here. I could tell.

I let me dreams take me away, before I stepped foot into that house again. The first dream was a mix of Eli and me drinking beers in his candy store. And then it turned into me and Nissi drinking  beers in our apartment.

Two dreams, and I felt the cab stop driving. I let out a full on loud yawn, and stepped out the vehicle. I was facing the house in all it's glory. It didn't go to hell like I thought it did, it actually seemed welcoming. 

The steps are painted white, so is the rail. And she must have planted those now turned weeds on the side of the steps. I turn around, and see that the driver has gotten out my bags. I didn't have any money on me, but then she came busting through the door.

My little sister.

She was wearing a robe, and had her hair wrapped in a towel. She placed the money in the guys hand, and took my bags. Wow. Iris has changed, in the span of a few months.

She leads me back to the house, and drags the bags all the way to the door. She then hard grips my hand and makes a b-line to the bathroom. It was a whirl of emotions, especially because she didn't even say anything to me.

She pushes me in, and hands me a shaving razor. 

"Hello to you too, Iris." I sheepishly smile, taking the razor in my hands. "And what is going on?"

"I am sixteen. I haven't shaved. Ever. Teach me, please!" She presses her hands together and praises me. Literally.. This is new.

"Okay, one. Shaving cream?" I ask and she picks it up off the floor, "Two, Put it on."

She nods slowly and lathers her leg with the vanilla cream. I put the razor in her hand and she moves it up and down her leg. She almost laughs at the excitement. When I did this the first time I peeled the skin off my ankle.

I hope she doesn't think about that.

"Oh, mom went out to get groceries but theres someone in your room..." She sings along, who else could they tell about me coming back home? Who was this excited for me to come back home?

I opened the door, and made my way to the steps. She even changed the carpet on the steps! What else changed when I left? My room?! She better not have touched my room!

I leaped up the old stairs and ran to my room. I had to catch my breath a little, while I opened the door. 

Everything was the same. My walls, my cabinet, my closet. Thank the heavens. Even my bed was still intact. Whew!

"Hey there Anna-Banana!" One voice. I know this voice. I know it like the back of my hand.

I  tuned myself around and I knew it. Dippy. Oh lord, when Dippy calls you answer. When she wants something you get it. When she looks at you, you look back. 

"Dippy, how did you know I was coming back?" She slipped the frame of her glasses down the bridge of her nose. 

"I am Dippy Monroe, I know everything." No way, can't believe it. "Okay I was at the market and I heard your mother saying you were back and I rushed over here!"

She extended her arms and came lunging forward at me. This was usual Dippy behavior.

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