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→ " I can't cry today, I've got a final."

I'm pretty sure that I passed that final. I mean, I studied and everything went really easy. There's no way I failed.

My feet quickened their pace as I saw my building in the distance. I can finally take a nap today, and eat ice cream. I've been on healthy foods for my final but now that that's over I can eat junk food!

I practically ran to my apartment at the thought to that and jabbed the key into the lock and opened the door.

And what I saw was my whole family. Including Simone and Karina. I almost dropped my keys on the floor instead of in the table near the door, and I actually put my bag down by the door. "Anna!" They all shouted at me and I couldn't help the smile spreading on my face. 

I ran up to my mom and kissed her on the cheek, and then I was grabbed by Kurt and Iris from behind. I turned around and gave them a proper hug, and next was Rosalie. She cut her hair even shorter! I grabbed onto her and looked at Iris.

She looked happier, and her eyeliner was even better than before! Kurt- he was practically the same except I could see that his chubby cheeks were gone. And my mom, her hair had highlights in them, making her seem younger.

I felt a small finger tap at my leg and I looked down to see Karina. I smiled and picked her up in my arms, "Hey little girl, how you doing?" I asked her and she only replied with shoving her face into my neck and wrapping her small arms around me.

I looked over to see Simone and nodded her over for a hug. She seemed a little speechless for a millisecond and then took the opportunity. "How are you?" I asked her and she let go of me and smiled at me holding her daughter.

"I'm good, you look good too!"She complimented and I agreed.

My eyes scanned the living room for -


She probably set this whole thing up, and aged to surprise me good by the way. I can usually sense things from a mile away. 

Not everything but most things.

"How did you manage to set all of this up? And surprise me?" I asked her, laughing at her because she couldn't help the smile on her face. She clapped her hands together, "I actually just let them in today, I didn't plan any of this."

I grew confused, and looked around the room to find Rosalie with her hand up. "Guilty, I figure we could all use the family time. Since-" The last word she was about to say finally snapped me into reality again.

It was the anniversary of his death today. Not the day we found out he was dead, but of the day he actually died. I nodded and put Karina down to stand. "Go put your bag down in your room and we can all have some food." My mom suggested to me, but coming from your mother it's more of a command.

I smiled and walked back to my bad near the door, and locked it. I kept my eye on my family as I walked over to my room for the simple task. And when I opened the door I was surprised again. Pacer Rhodes was sitting on my bed- waiting for me. I dropped my bag on the floor for the second time and jumped him.

"Oh my god! You're here too! How?!" I shouted at him, tickling him. He didn't admit it to me until I was back in New York that he was very ticklish. I was just texting him on the train ride over here- and he just went along with it! That sly beefcake!

"Well, I used some mode of transportation and then I walked with my legs-" He joked and I pecked his lips, causing him to stop. "Your so beautiful." He moved the hair that fell in front of my face behind my ear.

"Are you high?" I whispered to him giggling at the faint memory I had of him back Seattle. He shook his head at me and smiled.

"Not on the green stuff, but on the good stuff. That's you." He said so cheekily, and I turned my face away from him. He only let me do so for a second before turning my face back with his hand. "Look at me."

I couldn't look people in the eye. It was weird. It was like I was looking into their soul or something. But Pacer isn't people. He's my person. So of course I stared at him- I thin his pupils dilated a little when he looked at me too. "So.."

"I have a gift for you. But you have to close your eyes." He said oddly, and I got off of him and laid next to him on my bed. That's when I remembered my gift to him "I got a gift thing for you too, let me go get it. We'll show it to each other at the same time." 

I got up from my bed and dashed into my closet and got out the box I had laying there for about four months now. I kept my eyes closed as I turned around and walked- tried to walk, back to my bed. "Okay don't fall now. You'll look cute but you'll probably bruise." Pacer laughed and I tried honestly not to laugh either but I couldn't help myself.

"okay on three open your eyes. Your eyes are closed right?" I asked him as I put my hand out to reach for him and found his shoulder. "Yes they are Pretty." He sounded and I cleared my throat.

"One, two, three!" We said in unison and I opened my eyes and handed him his box as he opened his eyes and handed me- a envelope?

"What's this?" I asked him and he giggled. Cute. "You're gonna have to open it Anna." He slyly commented and I glared at him. I got him a really nice present, one that is probably not gonna make it to see tomorrow.

I opened up the piece of paper and found a note and two thin brown bracelets inside, they looked like leather. I unfolded the note and read it out loud. 

"Anna Dillard, you have become the most important person in my life. I know this may sound dumb but, you really were cute back in middle school. And since those days, and now and until forever is gone, I am so glad to be your boyfriend. More like grateful. Your jokes, your sarcasm, your eyes, your smile and just you. I love it. All of it. And now here comes the big part. I want you in my life for forever. And I know we just made it to one year, and we barely see one another. But our love is growing. My love grows for you everyday. And I don't ever want it to stop. So I went to a shop, and they made these two bracelets for us. And the day we started dating is stamped on there along with our names. This is my take on a ring."

The letter ended abruptly, as Pacer took the envelope out of my hands and went in for a bracelet. He took it out and I saw how his hands were shaking a little bit as he held out his hand for mine. I placed my hand in his and he lid it on. "Wow, so this means..." He trailed off and I saw his blush staring to spread across his cheeks.

I cupped his face with my hand and took the envelop from him to get his bracelet out. Once I did, I held out my hand and he played his in mine instantly, and I put the bravely on for him. "We're gonna be together, for a very long time." I finished, and brought him in for a kiss.

As me and Pace were, canoodling Kurt bursted into my room. I pulled away slowly at looked at him with a smile, "Don't you know how to knock?" I asked him and he leaned on the wall next to the door with a huge grunion his face.

"Aren't you glad I told you to slide up your life?" He retorted back, and then out of no where he dabbed one time and shut the door behind him. I began to cry out of laughter,and so did Pacer. It was so bad, I started snorted.

Pacer found this even more hilarious than the whole Kurt thing, and whipped out his phone. "I'm gonna make that my ringtone, do it again."

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