Meeting The Class

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Miss Yukizome brought me around the room to meet my new class mates, each one of them had been accepted here because they had exceptional talents from the moment they were born. The first person I was introduced to was a beautiful blonde girl who's name was Sonia, she is the Super Duper High School Level Princess which did not surprise me as she was very elegant in her movements and mannerisms, "Hello, my name is Sonia, let's have a great year." she said in a calm voice. "Thank you, I hope this year turns out well." I replied, smiling back at her. I was next introduced to boy with curly, brown hair who was wearing a culinary outfit and a chef hat, it was not hard to tell that he was the Super Duper High School Level Cook, his name is Hanamura. "I'm Hanamura, my cooking abilities are bound to sweep you off of your feet and make you fall deeply in love with me" Hanamaru said with a spellbound expression and a perverted look in his eye. "Uh, I'm sorry?", suddenly he was punched square in the jaw by a small girl with light pink hair, I recognised her as the girl who was focusing on her game. "I'm sorry about him, my name is Nanami, it's nice to meet you" Nanami said with a shy smile. "I'm (Y/N), thank you for helping me." I replied with a grateful smile. "That's OK, anything for a friend." she said, this made me feel happy to be called a friend when we barely know each-other.

Suddenly a very energetic girl ran up to me, she had dark brown hair and she wore a partly unbuttoned shirt and a short, red skirt. "Hey, what's up? I'm Owari, it's great to meet ya." she spoke quickly making it rather difficult to keep up with the conversation. "Owari, it's so obvious that she doesn't want to have a deadbeat friend like you." said a rather large man wearing a blue tracksuit, he had very prominent muscles and he had a confident look in his eye. "Deadbeat?! Who are you calling a deadbeat?! Pea-brain" shouted Owari at a deafening volume. "OK, that's it!" the man yelled back matching Owari's volume. "Bring it on!" said Owari who brought herself into a fighting stance, the man did the same and suddenly they broke into a large and fierce fight, the power radiating from the two was astounding. 'At this rate they're going to destroy the school!' I thought to myself and while my jaw dropped and I started to panic, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see another man with messy pink hair, he was wearing a mechanic's outfit and a black snap-back, he was also holding a wrench in his left hand. "Don't worry about those two, this happens all the time." he said while dramatically gesturing with his wrench, "Owari and Nidai fight like cat and dog." 'So that man is named Nidai' I thought to my self while I still watched their fight with a mesmerised expression. "My name is Souda by the way, I'm the Super Duper High School Level Mechanic so if you need anything fixed, you know who to come to." Souda finished off as he gave me a thumbs up and he held his wrench up to his shoulder. "Thank you." I said with a smile.

I started to wonder how many strange people there could be in this class, I saw a man with blond hair with stared at me with a daunting expression, beside him was an equally as daunting woman with glasses and grey hair that had been tied into two plaits who had a katana beside her. Something told me that I should be careful what I say to these two. A girl with short, red hair made her way towards me, she had a camera around her neck and she had many freckles. "Hi, I'm Koizumi, I'm the Super Duper High School Level Photographer." said Koizumi as she gave me a gentle smile, "I'm (Y/N), it's so nice to meet you." I said while returning her smile. "Um, Koizumi, who are those two?" I was referring to the blond man and the woman with the katana. "Oh, that's Kuzuryu and Pekoyama, the Super Duper High School Levels Gangster and Swords-woman, very mysterious characters they are." Koizumi finished. "Right, I see." I said as I observed the two.

I jumped as a loud crash radiated through the room, I quickly looked around searching for the source of the sound when I glanced down and saw a girl covered in bandages laying sprawled on the floor who looked in obvious pain. "Ow ow ow ow!" she cried out in pain, "Tsumiki! Are you alright?!" the voice came from a small thin man with dark circles under his eyes who looked very distressed. "Yeah, I'm OK." said Tsumiki as the man helped her up. "Thank you Mitarai." Tsumiki said with a grateful smile, "Uh, no problem." Mitarai replied nervously. "Wow Tsumiki, you are a walking disaster area." laughed a woman with very colourful hair, she had black and white horns protruding from her blue and pink hair. "Hey (Y/N), I'm Ibuki, it's awesome to meet you." Ibuki said while sticking out her tongue and giving me a peace sign. "Thank you, it's great to meet you too." I replied. Next a man wearing a purple scarf came up to me. "Hello, my name is Tanaka, come forth pathetic human being for I am the Dark Lord, I have been blessed with dark powers from the underworld." Tanaka rambled on as I was left dazed and confused. "Oh would you shut up already!" said a woman with blonde hair who was wearing a kimono, she seemed very irritated. "You don't want to scare her off on her first day!" she continued, Tanaka stopped talking and slowly returned to his seat as he received a piercing stare from the woman, Tanaka was then followed by a trail of small hamsters. "I'm sorry about him, you see there's a lot weird people in this class" the girl said. "I see that." I said with a look of utter shock on my face. "Yeah...don't worry though, that's what makes us all so unique." the woman smiled, "I'm Saionji by the way." Saionji finished as she smiled at me. "Nice to meet you Saionji, your kimono is beautiful." I smiled at her. "Thank you. You have to come see me dance sometime." Saionji finished as she twirled allowing me to see all of the elegant and detailed patterns of her kimono. "I'd love to!" I said excitedly, "I'll hold you to it you know." Saionji joked as we laughed together. Maybe I can get on well with my class mates as I smiled at my new found friends. It was then I realised that there was one more person who I had not met yet, one person who had not moved one inch, one person who still sat there, staring out of the window in his own world.

"Hey Saionji? Who's that?" I asked her while pointing to the man, Saionji's expression turned to that of a serious one. "(Y/N), I wouldn't go near that guy." Saionji said in a tone that had a sense of warning behind it, "Hm? Why?" I asked with growing curiosity. "Because that dude is seriously weird." interrupted Ibuki. "But I don't see how, he doesn't seem to be bothering anyone." I replied as I wondered just what is was about this mysterious man that had everyone telling me to stay away from him. I continued to stare at him as my curiosity grew and grew. His out of control white hair covered parts of his face and his eyes were glazed over as he stared out the window, it was anybody's guess as to what he could be thinking about. A sudden voice snapped me out of my daze, it was Miss. Yukizome, "OK (Y/N), it may be a little different from what you're used to but everyone in the class will try their best to make sure you settle in well." Miss. Yukizome gave me a caring smile like that of a mother to her child, it filled my heart with joy. "Thank you Miss. Yukizome." I said smiling at her.

I took another good look at the people in my class, all of them were smiling back at me. It's a strange class filled with strange people but I can tell that they are all good. It may be a very different going to school with such unique and eccentric people but there's one thing I know for certain, it definitely won't be boring.

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