A Change In Attitude

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I sat at my desk in silence whilst my other classmates were running around as per usual, I couldn't get last night's events out of my head. The whole thing seemed sad to me, the way he looked and the way he spoke, it all just seemed...sad, pitiful even. I've never seen him in that way before and I therefore sat deep in thought wondering what to do next. Then suddenly Miss. Yukizome walked through the door and the class immediately fell silent. "Alright class, I'm allowing you to take this day and use it to work on your yearly project. Make sure you use this time carefully." she said, winking. Then everyone got up and found their partners. I was about to stand when all of a sudden I heard a voice just above me. "Hey (Y/N), it's time to work on our project, I have the perfect idea for you." I looked up and there was Komaeda standing there. I was confused as the sudden social interaction was unlike him. "Uh, yeah, so let's go." I said regaining my enthusiasm.

I stood up and both Komaeda and I made our way to his table. We sat down beside the window and Komaeda turned to face me. I was at a loss for words because for some reason he had a gentle smile on his face. "So, uh, you had an idea you say?" I asked, cocking my head to one side. "Yeah, it hit me last night in a dream." he said calmly, "A dream?" I questioned. "Yes, I saw you standing at a podium in front of hundreds of people, and you were speaking though I couldn't tell what you were saying, it was as if everything was on mute." he said with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "Hm, strange. So, what's your idea?" I asked. "Well what I was thinking that you could use your talent for writing to spread the message of hope! You could write something and then you could read it out loud somewhere where there's lots of people." he finished and he looked happy. "That's actually a good idea." I responded. "OK, what can we do for you?" I asked. Suddenly his smile faltered before disappearing entirely. "There's nothing we can do with mine." Komaeda said looking down. 

"I'm sure that's not true!" I said with confidence. "No, it is..." Komaeda replied, still keeping his head down. I was slightly disheartened that Komaeda saw so little of himself. "Well, what is your title?" I asked with growing curiosity. I had been at the school for almost a week but I still didn't know what his title was. Komaeda grew even more hesitant as he still kept his gaze firmly locked on the floor. Then he lifted his head slightly and simply said, "Luck." "Luck?" I asked confusedly. "Yes, I'm the Super Duper High School Luck." he said, dropping his head back to the floor. "Well I believe that you can use that to spread hope! I'm sure of it." I said with determination. "No, I don't think so." Komaeda replied dejectedly. "I can't do anything with luck, it only benefits me, not other people." he continued. "Well we'll find a way!" I said with increasing confidence, meanwhile Komaeda simply looked up at me with a stunned expression. "I believe that we'll find a way! I mean there must be something, right?" I asked again. "I'm not sure about that one." Komaeda said whilst giving me a half smile. I had said that we could find a way but as I think, I'm not so sure what exactly we could do, however I won't give up, not when we've barely begun in the first place! In that moment I fortified my resolve  to help Komaeda see all the good within him.

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