The New Student - Mini Chapter #2

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Komaeda's POV:

Well today certainly was interesting. (Y/N) and I wrote a poem together...well it was mostly her but whatever, also we found a venue to show off (Y/N)'s talent. Though it was hilarious to see her reaction to my "talent", heh she was so shocked, it was hilarious! But I do find it strange...I've been feeling a lot more comfortable around her, I can't really describe it, I just feel like I don't have to hide from peculiar.

After that encounter with the owner (Y/N) and I headed back to school where we saw everyone prepping for their projects. Hanamura and Sonia seemed to be planning to create some sort of restaurant where the poor and homeless can eat for free. Nanami and Isuki were working on a charity concert, Saionji is going to perform in a hospital for all the ill and Koizumi will record it. Nidai and Owari are going to be teaching kids about sports in schools in the area. God knows what Peko and Kuzuryu are up to. And finally Tsumiki and Mitarai are making some sort of animation, Soda is helping them too but I'm not so sure what part he has to play.

The past couple of days have been really eventful, so eventful that I haven't had time to think about it all. I mean, meeting (Y/N) in the park and talking to her. I still can't believed I opened up so easily, my head wasn't in the right state, or perhaps I just trusted that I could tell her and she wouldn't say anything. (Y/N)'s past was unexpected, her parents died so suddenly and yet she still remains cheerful, I wish I could do the same. Also that dream was pretty strange, I wonder why I dreamt about her doing that speech thing. I did hear that dreams revolve around what you've been thinking and what's happened in your daily life. Though it could have just been my luck again, who knows?

But I suppose I'll just have to see what happens in the coming days, we've got our project sorted and that doesn't need to be presented for a while so I suppose we'll just get on with school. If I'm honest with myself though, I'm kind of happy that I actually have someone to talk to, I mean it's not fun being alone so to have someone that I can talk to is nice for a change. Well, let's see where the days take me.

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