The Introvert

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It was the next day and I came into school with a spring in my step due to the previous day's success. I had been thinking a lot about Komaeda last night and about the project, I still have no idea about what I can do but the fact that I made Komaeda acknowledge me was making me extremely bouncy.

When I walked into the classroom I was immediately greeted by the ever cheerful Nanami. "Morning (Y/N)!" She said with a bright smile on her face. "Good morning Nanami!" I replied. The classroom was packed and there was a lot of noise coming from all directions. I'm pretty sure this is what it's going to be like all year. I glanced around the classroom and I saw Komaeda at his usual spot staring blankly out the window. I started to make my way over to his desk when Ibuki quickly stopped me. "Woah woah woah, you're not seriously going over to him AGAIN are you?" She asked, tilting her head to one side. "Of course I am." I said nonchalantly. "(Y/N) what have I told you about going near him? I'm telling you, he's nothing but trouble." Ibuki said with a serious tone. "Well I don't understand what everyone has against him!" I exclaimed. Ibuki simply looked at me with a steady gaze before finally opening her mouth to speak. "Look, trouble seems to follow that guy around, no matter where he goes, something bad seems to always happen." I couldn't understand what she was talking about because the idea of someone like Komaeda attracting trouble when from what I've seen he avoids social interaction like it was the Black Plague was mind boggling. "I don't understand, he's a good guy, I'm sure everyone is just too superstitious." I proudly proclaimed. (I believe that Komaeda is a good guy, I haven't known him for long but I've always been good at judging people, seeing what they're about, judging their personality. And I know he's a good guy....why doesn't anyone see that?") I thought to myself while Ibuki still stared at me. Finally she said, "OK, fine, you do you, but be careful." Then she simply walked away.

I made my way over to Komaeda's desk and he glanced up. "Hi Komaeda." I said with a cheery smile. "Hey." He replied showing no emotion. "So what are you thinking of doing for this project?" I asked him, cocking my head to one side while still giving him a small smile. "No idea." He replied shortly. "Yeah me neither." I said. There was an awkward silence but I was determined to get closer to him. "So...uh.." I started to say but seeing as my people skills aren't the greatest, I had no idea what to say. "Why did you choose me?" Komaeda said. I was surprised at this remark. "Well, because you seem interesting." I said with my hand in my chin, thinking. "How could I be interesting? All I do is sit here and do nothing." He replied. "Well that's what makes you interesting." I smiled at him. Yet Komaeda looked at me, obviously confused. "You're not like everyone else. Everyone is so loud whereas you just sit here, minding your own business. Pretty mysterious if you ask me." I explained. Komaeda looked at me and said, "I'm not mysterious, it's just that no one wants me around." Komaeda said while turning his gaze back outside the window. "Hm, well I want you around." I said smiling at him. Komaeda looked really shocked as his eyes widened as I continued to smile at him. "What?" He said looking at me with wide eyes. "I don't it's right to isolate people, especially when they haven't done anything. So yeah, I want you around, otherwise I wouldn't have picked you." I said to him. He still looked confused as he stared steadily at me. It seems to me as if he doesn't receive such comments often as he had no idea how to respond. "You probably only picked me out of curiosity." He said quietly with a hint of sadness. He looked down and my smile faded. (That's not why, I want to get to know you better.) I thought to myself as the bell rang and Miss. Yukizome walked into the classroom with her usual cheerful demeanour.

"OK guys find your seat." Miss. Yukizome said smiling. Everyone quickly got to their seats and so did I. Though I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying as I was too preoccupied with my thoughts. (What does he mean no one wants him around? He hasn't done anything! It seems like he isn't used to social interaction, probably because the class doesn't necessarily try to include him, they act like he's cursed or something, it's ridiculous.) all I could think of for the entire class was how unfair it is that Komaeda feels that way about himself. (I have to make him see that he is wanted!) I said to myself. A sense of determination filled me as I made my resolve to make Komaeda know that he is wanted and that he is a good person, because it seems to me that he doesn't believe in himself, well, I'm just going to have to help him! No matter what it takes! I will help Komaeda see the truth!

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