A Day At Home

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I woke up to the sun gently shining through the window beside my bed. I lazily rolled over and checked my phone, the screen read "10:34 AM". It was a bright Saturday morning and I finally had a day to rest, this week had been long and eventful leaving me exhausted. I reluctantly rose from the warmth of my blankets and stepped into the harsh cold of my bedroom. I sorely regretted my decision to wear a black vest top and black pyjama shorts to bed, seemed like a good idea at the time. I've always found that no matter how warm your house is, even if the heating is on max, the minute you step out of your bed it becomes like the North Pole.

I walked into the hall and proceeded into the kitchen, I made myself some toast and sat down on my large, black sofa. I relaxed into the soft cushions and switched on the T.V and watched my favourite show. As I ate I wondered what to do. (Well it's Saturday, I'm a 16 year old girl and I'm free tonight...I'm going to go partying. Psh, yeah as if! Parties are loud and too many people scare me. I'd much rather stay inside and read or practice.) I thought this to myself as I stood up and put my plate in the sink. (OK, how about I practice first.)

I walked into a large room where a beautiful white grand piano stood. I took a seat on the black leather chair and gently placed my fingers on the keys. I started to play a slow melody that filled the room with music, soon my voice followed. Seeing as I've never been confident in myself I only play the piano and sing when I know for certain I'm alone, though now-a-days it's only the dog and I who live here. A small pain shot through my heart and tightened my chest. I finished the piece off, I'm not sure how it sounded, of course my opinion wouldn't matter, after all we are our own worst critics.

I opened the door to find my dog sleeping right in front of the door, he always did this when I played, you could say he's my number one fan. I quietly laughed to myself as he came to and leaped up, wagging his tail at me in excitement. "Come on, let's get you some food and then we'll let you play in the garden for a bit, OK?" The dog barked once, keeping his loving eyes firmly locked on mine, his tail constantly wagging. (What amazing thing did we do to deserve dogs?) I asked myself as the friendly animal followed me to the kitchen at my pace.

After he had eaten I let him out the back garden, he was a very hyperactive dog who hated to be inside for too long, it could be a pain when he'd bark to get outside in the middle of the night but I guess that's what owners are for. After all it's the least I could do for him seeing as he's protected me since I was a baby. When my parents died, he never left me, knowing I was sad. When anybody tried to come near me when I wasn't comfortable, he would just come closer to me as he stared out the person, sometimes even growled at them if they got too close. They usually got the hint and left me alone.

As I stood and lovingly watched my dog play, my phone went off. Curious, I checked my phone and saw that it was an unknown number, it's unusual because no one ever texts or calls me. I answered the phone. "Hello?" I said apprehensively into the device. "Hello? Is this (Y/N)?" The voice asked from the other end, it was a deep voice, though I felt like I heard this voice before. "Who is this?" I questioned. "You know who I am already." The voice replied. "I'm sorry but I'm not sure, do I know you?" I said. The voice took a minute to answer and said, "Hm, thought you would have been able to guess it, aw well, I'm Komaeda." The voice said. (What? K-Komaeda?)

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