An Unexpected Encounter

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I sat in my room and wondered how I could make Komaeda believe in himself but there was one question I couldn't get out of my head. Why does everyone treat him like he's worthless? I just don't see why, I mean sure he's shy but I see no reason to treat him like an outcast. As the thoughts swirled through my head my dog suddenly barked very loudly, startling me and distracting me from my thoughts. "Ugh, come on." I looked at my dog pleadingly but he simply turned on the spot and sat down and glanced at the door as his tail began to wag frantically. "Alright I get it, we'll go on a walk." I glanced down at my watch and the time read 9:52 PM. It was quite late and I had school tomorrow, but hey, the dog wants what the dog wants.

I clipped the lead onto my dog's collar as he began to pant and wag his tail in excitement. I smiled at the hyperactive animal as I lead him out the door. Immediately he began to practically drag me out of the house, "Whoa, whoa, calm down." I laughed as we began to walk down the dark road. I walked to the local park, it was rather large with a beautifully crafted fountain in the centre of the park. It had various benches circling the fountain and there were also gorgeous flowers and plants that hadn't a leaf out of place. The park had always been a peaceful place for me as I'd always come here to clear my head and when I had writer's block. My father always brought me to the park with our dog, my mother could never attend as she was always in bed, sick. The nostalgic scene always brought back a sense of regret and pain, however, the more I came to this place, the easier it got to come. 

I continued to walk down the familiar path through the darkness when I came across the playground where I spent my childhood in. A slight pain struck my heart as I reminisced about peaceful days spent here with my father. It was then that I realised that someone was in the playground. I stared into the darkness trying to make out the face, I could tell that the person was a male. I knew it was dangerous to approach a strange figure in the dark but I believed that my dog would protect me, he was a rather large dog and he was extremely protective of me so I knew I was safe. I opened the iron gate, it made a large creaking sound as it was rather old however the figure did not even flinch. I began to approach the figure and more and more features became apparent, he was wearing a large coat, he had a slim frame, wild out of control hair.....that's when I realised who it was. "Komaeda?" I spoke to the figure. He glanced up in surprise, it was obvious that he did not expect to be interrupted from his deep thinking. My suspicions had been confirmed when the figure's grey eyes came up to meet mine. "Komaeda? What are you doing here so late?" I said again. Komaeda simply shifted uncomfortably. I sat down on the swing adjacent to him. I stared steadily into his eyes whilst he avoided eye contact. "Komaeda." I said softly. He lifted his head and his eyes slowly met mine. His eyes looked sad and empty, as if the person I was talking to was just a hollow shell, the person within had long but faded away. I kept eye contact and I softly spoke again. "Komaeda, why are you here?".

(A/N: I'm really sorry for the lack of updates, I was studying for Christmas Exams but now that they're over I'll update a little more regularly. Thank you for reading.)

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