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To my dismay Monday did come around. I walked into the school building with dread, hurt and confusion in my heart. My mind spiralled with the constant nagging thoughts that I tried to keep at the back of my head, "Why did he run? Did I do something?" I kept thinking to myself. I reluctantly walked into the building, dragging my feet as I did so until I finally reached the classroom.

I pushed open the door and entered, the class was lively as ever. Hanamura was cooking up some sort of concoction whilst Nanami was playing her game at her desk. Sonia was staring out the window looking radiant and Owari had just kicked Nidai through the wall. "Same old, same old" I thought to myself as I looked around. It was then that I saw Komaeda at the back of the classroom. He just stared out the window wearily as if the rest of the world didn't exist. The sight of him stung my heart and the sensation confused me. However I knew I had to talk to him, if not our friendship would be ruined. I made my way over to Komaeda and as I reached his desk he did not take his eyes away from the window, "Just like when I first met him." I thought to myself as the pain in my chest increased.

Komaeda continued to stare out the window until I finally spoke, "Komaeda?" I said softly. This managed to snap him out of his daze and he turned his head to meet me. His eyes widened as if he didn't even realise I was there until now. "Hey." I said, Komaeda simply gave me a weak hand gesture to reply. I was confused and hurt as to why he wouldn't talk to me. I needed an excuse to engage a conversation. "So, what are we going to do for the project today?" I said nervously. Komaeda looked up and quietly said, "There's nothing left to do, we got completely set up when we booked the venue. The only thing left to do is wait until we actually have to do it." He was right, there was nothing left to do, then a thought came into my head. "Well I need to practice the speech so maybe you could help me?" I said hopefully. "I'd be no use, you need to practise that on your own." Komaeda replied rather bluntly. "Why?" Was all I could think, "why are you doing this?" All these thought swirled in my brain as I felt tears prick my eyes.

"Look you need to stay away from me." Komaeda finally said, "I'm sorry?" I replied. "I'm too dangerous to be around, you're not safe around me so it's better if we stay apart, the only exception being the project." Komaeda said coldly. This time I could feel the tears rolling down my face. "Why? What are you so afraid of?" I said with a clear tone of sadness. For a minute I thought I saw Komaeda flinch as he reacted to the way I spoke but he did not look at me, "You wouldn't understand even if I explained." Komaeda said quietly.

Komaeda then rose from his seat and picked up his bag, "Where are you going?" I asked him. "I'm going out." Komaeda said. "Tell me, what are you afraid of? There's nothing to be afraid of and I think you're just over reacting because  you don't want to see me. Well if you don't want to see me then you should just say so, don't make something up!" I said, letting my temper and sadness flow out of me. Komaeda stopped and slowly turned around. When he turned around and his eyes met mine, I noticed a change in him. His eyes looked much darker, almost as if they harboured all his feeling within them. His stature had also changed, he now seemed more threatening and when he began to speak his voice was a lot deeper than it was before. "You have no idea what will befall you if you decide to keep hanging around me. I'm dangerous, if you're seen with me then you're dead." Komaeda said with a threatening voice. His words hung in the air and you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Slowly Komaeda turned around and walked away. It was then that I felt my legs start to shake and the world started to spin. Many in the class turned to me and became extremely worried. I saw Ibuki and Nanami rush over to me and they were saying something but I couldn't hear them. I saw them gesture over frantically to another person, assuming it was Tsumiki. As I felt the vibrations of my classmates getting up and rushing over, the world spun faster. Then with many people around me and the pounding in my head, the whole world went black.

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