Thanks To The Home Room Mentor

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After I felt better and regained my strength I made my way back to the classroom as I didn't feel as if I was ill enough to go home. When I entered the class room I was greeted by very distressed classmates, "(Y/N), are you alright? What happened?" many of them asked. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine." I said, trying to put everyone at ease. I answered all questions they asked me but my mind kept wandering to the one thing I wanted to know, "Where's Komaeda?" I asked, interrupting the barrage of questions. Deafening silence radiated through the classroom as everyone looked around, it was obvious that nobody has noticed his absence. "He must have left just after you fainted." Nanami said, shaking her head slightly. "I have to go find him!" I said, turning on my heels about to leave. Before I could go Ibuki grabbed my hand, stopping me in my tracks. "Y/N, why do you even try with him? He's not worth it." she said, shaking her head in sympathy. It took me a little while to answer. "Why do I try?" I thought to myself as I stared down at my feet. "All he does is push me away. But sometimes he lets me in. He's so misunderstood, everyone talks about him as if he's some sort of burden that's been placed on their shoulders . I scanned my brain trying to find an answer to the question posed to me, then I found it. I lifted my head and stared deep in to Ibuki's eyes, "Because I care about him."

Suddenly the door opened and Miss. Yukizome walked in, looking cheerful as usual. "Morning class!" she said, giving everyone a bright and happy smile. The class gave her the standard greeting and all returned to their seats while I was left standing there in awe at my thoughts, "I care about Komaeda." I kept reciting to myself. I finally came to my senses and sat down at my seat. Yukizome saw me and gently laughed to herself, as if she knew something I didn't and she opened her mouth. "Y/N, could you come here for a minute?" Miss. Yukizome said with a genuine smile. I reluctantly walked up to her desk, the anxiety that told me that I was in some sort of trouble increasing as I neared her, but her gentle smile calmed my nerves. "Y/N, can you do me a huge favour and go down to the staff room and get my files. They should be around there somewhere." she said, giving me a playful wink and my eyes widened when I realised what she was doing, she was giving me a chance to find Komaeda. I smiled and nodded, understanding her plan. "I'd be happy to!" I said with a cheerful grin. "Wonderful! And please, take all the time you need, I'm in no rush." Miss. Yukizome said. I frantically nodded my head and exited the classroom. I thanked Miss. Yukizome a hundred times in my head as I practically ran down the hallway. I need to find him.

It didn't take me long to come think of a place where Komaeda could be. I ran out of the school gates, large, black clouds blocked out the sun and I made my way to what had quickly become our meeting place. I neared the park and I slowed my pace as I walked through the gates. Just as I thought, Komaeda was sitting on the ground in the corner of the park. I walked up to him. "Komaeda?" I said gently as I got closer. Komaeda stirred slightly but kept his vision glued to the ground. "Komaeda? What's wrong?" I said again. This time Komaeda slowly lifted his head to make perfect eye contact with me. He opened his mouth, "I'm confused." Komaeda said in a small voice. I tilted my head, matching his confusion. "I'm confused because what I want isn't what I'm allowed." Komaeda said, his eyes full of saddness as he once again glued his vision to the ground. "What is it that you want Komaeda?" I said, sitting down beside him. "I don't know anymore." Komaeda said in a voice that came out so quietly that it was barely a whisper. My heart was pierced with a searing pain that only came from great sympathy for someone you care for. I stayed silent as the tranquil breeze brushed over the park. "Y/N, please stay with me, only for a little while." Komaeda said solemnly. I reached over and calmly hugged him. He tensed at first but quickly relaxed into it. We stayed like that as the black clouds that loomed overhead slowly parted and the sun shone brightly. A warm ray of light rained down on us and Komaeda closed his eyes and fell asleep. 

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