An Unscheduled Meeting

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"Yeah, it's me, you surprised?" Komaeda asked whilst laughing slightly. "Um, of course I am! How did you even get my number?" I replied inquisitively. "Oh, I found this number along with your name written on a bus stop with marker, it also said 'Ring for a good time'." Komaeda said laughing. (God damn it, I swear if Ibuki has written my name on some random bus stop there'll be murder.) I thought to myself through gritted teeth. "Well I deal with whoever wrote that later. Anyway, what do you need?" I said. "Oh I was just testing this to see if it was you. But we could go out somewhere seeing as I have nothing to do." Komaeda replied. "Sure thing, I have nothing to do either and it would be better to go out with a friend rather than to stay home like a loner. Where are you thinking?" I said, getting increasingly more excited. "How about the park?" Komaeda replied. "Yeah, sounds great." I replied. "Cool, meet me where we met before." Komaeda said sounding happy. "See you there!" I said, no longer trying to hide my excitement. "Later." Komaeda said before hanging up. I became very giddy and headed back to my room to get dressed.

I wore a black vest top with a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and a red, tartan scarf. If you couldn't tell, I'm a fan of the colour black, some call me a goth, I call it proper fashion. I also wore black ankle boots. It was a cool day and everything was still, it was very quiet and the only sounds I could hear was the sounds of my own footsteps and the trees around me being blown by a gentle wind. I once again entered through the iron gate that led into the park, there I saw Komaeda sitting in the same place where I saw him last. When he saw me, he stood up and he said to me, "Hey (Y/N), thanks for coming." Komaeda said. "It's no problem at all." I said smiling at him. We sat down on swings that were parallel to each other. "So, why did you want to hang out with me?" I asked him. "Well, you're my friend and I don't go out very often seeing as I don't really have friends so I thought it would be a nice change." Komaeda said, smiling at me. I was touched by his comment. "I know how you feel, I don't go out very often either." I said, returning his smile.

I sat and surveyed the scenery around me. There were many trees whose leaves were dyed in beautiful shades of red and orange. Leaves were falling off of them slowly but surely and the gentle wind was carrying them away. From where we were sitting we had a fantastic view of the sea that was a clear blue and the waves delicately crashed against the rocks. I stared vacantly into the scenery that I've grown up with. However, I felt someone's eyes upon me and I turned to find Komaeda steadily staring at me with an unwavering gaze. "What's wrong." I asked, tilting my head in confusion. "Nothing, I was just watching you." Komaeda relied. "I'm sorry?" I asked, continuing to give him a confused. "That came off rather creepy, I'm sorry. I meant you looked so mesmerised, I couldn't help but to stare at you." Komaeda said and I suddenly felt embarrassed. "What on earth are you saying?" I said shyly. "Ah, I see. Low confidence." Komaeda said smirking. "You don't have to say it!" I said exasperated as I hid my face. "Hey you don't have to hide!" Komaeda said pulling my hands away from my face. I gasped as Komaeda stared into my eyes as I blushed intensely. "Self confidence is the best kind of confidence, you have no need to hide yourself." Komaeda said as he continued to stare at me. I was completely tongue tied as I had no idea what to say to him. Silence befell the park, even the wind had stopped and it felt as if time itself had slowed down.

A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I've last updated. Things have been going on and I haven't had the chance to update. I was stressed out because I had to do a controlled assessment for my French GCSE. Also, my health has deteriorated, I've been diagnosed with something that cannot be cured. Luckily it is not life threatening but one of the main effects of this syndrome took a heavy toll on me and I was unable to even think straight over grief, I was also diagnosed with another condition which thankfully can be cured. The whole affair affected not only my physical health but my mental health as well. I hope that I am able to overcome this but at this point, I'm not sure it's possible. I'm sorry to ramble and burden you with my problems but I felt that I needed to justify my absence. I promise I will make it up to you all. I can't thank all of you enough for the support and thank you for taking time to read my silly book that I write for fun.

Much love.

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