Pen to Paper

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Komaeda and I had just gotten in to writing the poem and we had already hit a brick wall. "Ugh, actually getting started and naming the poem is the hardest part. Once I get into it then it's OK but starting is always the hardest part." I said biting the lid of my pen. "Well, you are the Super Duper High School Writer, I believe you can do it." Komaeda said giving me a reassuring smile. I sat there wondering just what to write when it suddenly hit me. I put my pen to paper and wrote out the title, "Trust Your Eyes". "So we have a title, now for the rest of it." Komaeda simply nodded and I continued writing, once I had get an idea, I take it and run with it. "Tell me what you're thinking." Komaeda said while looking over my shoulder to see what I had written. "Well, I'm taking your idea of the feather and I'm adding things to it. The poem will make people aware of the hidden messages that the universe leaves, for example when people feel sad and they just see something, they take a step back and appreciate how beautiful the world can be despite the horrors that lie within. People have a lot of faith in these messages as they see them as signs that tell them that they should keep going and push through their struggles to a brighter future. My mother always said that if you saw a shooting star then that means that someone in your life who has died is watching over you and some people take great comfort in that." 

Komaeda looked at me, intrigued. "Your mother sounds like a smart woman." he said. "Yeah, she was, in her own way." I said looking down. It was then that Komaeda picked something up from my words. "Oh, I'm really sorry, I stepped over the line." Komaeda said looking guilty but I shrugged it off. "Don't be silly, you didn't know so how could I blame you? It was a long time ago so the pain has subsided somewhat and I'm alright with talking about it." I said giving him a wide smile. Komaeda returned the smile. "Anyway, let's get back to it." I said clapping my hands once. I continued to write more and more, the ideas kept flowing and therefore I knew exactly what I wanted to say. Suddenly Komaeda lifted his head and said. "You really are amazing you know." he said. I was extremely surprised at the unexpected comment. "H-How so?" I asked nervously. "Well you're creating art using words, you're painting a picture using your vocabulary and you make it look so easy as well, pretty amazing if you ask me." Komaeda said reading over what I had written. "Uh, it's nothing really." I said covering my face to hide the slight blush on my cheeks. "I think it is." Komaeda said looking straight at me. "Hey, weren't you supposed to be looking for a venue?" I asked frantically changing the subject. "Excuse me but you were the one who asked me to help." Komaeda said with a smirk. "Well whatever!" I said trying to hide my embarrassment and Komaeda laughed. 

I looked back down at the page and continued to write. I was dazed as nobody had complimented my writing before, I mean I got the occasional "Oh, that's really good." and things like that but nobody else had seen my writing as verbal art like I had. Komaeda is the only one who saw it the same way I did. "Well, it's done." I said, passing the notebook over to Komaeda to read. It read:

Trust your eyes

Messages come in many different ways

Usually it is fate telling us that it has something to say

It may be a single feather drifting through the air

Letting us know that an angel is there

These messages help to guide us in all that we do

The universe is helping you, if only you knew

When you are scared and all of the noise may cease

It is letting you know that you will find peace

A single star shining in the sky alone

Carrying all that it has seen, carrying all that it has known

For even though it is alone, it still shines brighter than the rest

Telling you that you can always do your best

Even if you feel down and believe that you can never do enough

You should never believe your brain's cruel bluff

For you can do anything that you want to do

Any hardships, you'll pull through

So listen to the messages that the world provides

They will guide you through life's high tides

Whether it be big or small

Make sure you respond to the universe's call

The world knows you will come through the strife

Defeat your demons and live a good life

If people doubt you, don't listen to their lies

The universe is helping you, simply trust your eyes.

"Wow." Komaeda said. "So what do you think?" I asked him nervously. "What do I think? I love it!" Komaeda said smiling brightly. I sighed in relief as even though I was the Super Duper High School Level Writer, I had very little confidence in my writing ability so I was extremely happy to hear that he liked it, "Now that we have our poem, let's go find a place to read it!" Komaeda said enthusiastically as he pulled me from my chair. "Whoa what?" I said frantically as Komaeda dragged me out of the room. "No time like the present!" Komaeda said as he continued to drag me out of the room. "Hey wait a minute!" I said struggling. "Let's go!" Komaeda said happily as I was dragged out of the classroom.

A/N: Hey guys, thanks for reading the story! I'm just here to let you know that the poem included in this chapter was actually written by me for a poetry competition in school, the theme was messages so I felt like it fit. Sorry if it's terrible. Anyway, thanks for reading and support is appreciated.

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