Sincere Feelings

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Komaeda's dull eyes looked at me with sadness. Then he gently began to speak, "Sometimes, when things get too hard to bear, I come here." he said quietly. "Well, what's wrong? Maybe I can help." I said, trying to encourage him. Komaeda simply stared into the distance, not saying a word. I wanted to say something but couldn't find the words to say. An eerie silence befell us, it seemed as if all movement had stopped, even my dog seemed to remain still. Komaeda then opened his mouth again, "It's nothing, just sometimes things get too much" Komaeda repeated himself, it was apparent that he did not want to talk about what was troubling him. However, I'm too stubborn of a person to let someone remain sad when there's even a chance that I can help them. "Komaeda please." I said, "Please let me help you." I continued to plead and Komaeda stared steadily at me with a mixed expression, one of sadness and shock. "Why do you want to help me?" Komaeda said looking down to the ground again. "Why? Komaeda I want to help you because you're my friend!" I said. Komaeda could no longer hold his surprise as he audibly gasped at the term. "Your friend?" He said looking shocked. "Of course!" I spoke with a stern tone. "Nobody has ever called me their friend before..." Komaeda said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Well those people are dumb, I'm your friend and there's nothing that will change my mind." I said proudly.

Komaeda still remained in a state of shock for some time. Then he spoke up, "If that is the case then I suppose that I have to tell you, after all, that's what friends do...or at least I think so." I was suddenly overcome with a wave of pity and sorrow, Komaeda genuinely didn't know what it was like to have a friend, how could people be so cruel? "I guess sometimes being alone for too long gets to someone, I mean, I've always been alone, I don't have any friends, my parents hate me, and the only person that ever really cared about me is dead." He said dejectedly. I began to tear up hearing him speak. "I usually come here when it gets too much and I need a place to clear my head and gather my thoughts." I nodded as I quietly listened to him speak. "I just get tired of being so alone, it feels like I have no one." He said, slumping his shoulders. Then another wave of silence fell over us.

"I understand completely." I said, Komaeda looked up at me. "When I was around 12 years old, both of my parents died in a car crash. I had them in my life for so long and just like that they were taken away from me, I don't have any brothers or sisters so that made it worse. I felt like I was alone and that there was no one left that truly cared about me." Komaeda heard me out and nodded. The tears overflowed as I recalled the tragic accident, I had been at school so I had no idea until I was called out by the principal, my aunt was there and they broke the news to me. I still remember how they looked, how they sounded, the memories still haunt me. As I felt the tears roll down my face, Komaeda brought his hand to my face and gently wiped them away with his thumb. I was surprised at the kind gesture.

"But, I made friends and they were supportive and really helped me out, I still get sad though." I continued, I then glanced at Komaeda, my tears fading. "So I want to be here for you too, I want to help you just like my friends did." Komaeda looked shocked at my statement as he was left speechless. Then he spoke softly and looked back down. "Why would you want to help me?" He said sadly. "Well you're my friend, and friends stick together. If you're sad I want to make you feel better and trust me, when I make up my mind, nothing in the world will change it, so I'm going to help you and support you in any way I can. I care about how you feel Komaeda." I said.

Komeada looked at me, then he finally said, "Thank you, (Y/N). I really mean it." The full moon had come out from behind the clouds and I could clearly see his face, his wild hair still a mess, his eyes completely void from all sadness that they previously held and painted on his face, was a genuine smile, the kind held by someone who had finally found someone to talk to, who finally found someone who cared about him.

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