Pay It Forward

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Silence resonated through the class as Miss. Yukizome stood at the podium, "OK, we are going to be doing a project that will last the entire school year, you will be in pairs of two." She looked around the class as she continued. "Now, "what is this project?" You may ask, well I'll tell you. All of you were chosen to come here because you have extraordinary talents in which no-one else possesses, so I want you all to go and use your talents to do something good." Everybody stared at her with growing interest. "What I want you all to do is to find a way to use your talents to spread hope throughout the area. Many terrible things happen in this world, things that drive people to do awful things. I feel that it is our duty here at Hope's Peak Academy to bring hope to an otherwise dismal world." The room was silent as Miss. Yukizome finished her explanation. Then the classroom erupted into applause in approval of this project, Miss. Yukizome seemed touched by this as she giggled. "OK, OK, calm down. The project will commence today and will end at the end of the school year." Suddenly the bell rang sounding the end of class. "Good luck everyone!" Yukizome said with a smile as she left the room, waving at us.

I sat there in the classroom, the only people there were just Komaeda and I, I find it strange that he is still here. I live by myself so I'm not in a rush to go anywhere, then again I don't know Komaeda's situation. I wondered what on Earth I could do to provide hope to the people of this world with a writing skill. That's when I had a thought, (I wonder what Komaeda plans to do.) I thought to myself as I got up from my desk and made my way over to him. He still sat staring out of the window as if nothing had changed, he remained stationary and I decided that it would be better for me to initiate the conversation. "Hi, Komaeda." I said with a wide smile. He simply looked up at me to meet my eyes and yet he did not respond. "Um, I was just wondering what you're planning to do for this project." I said trying to get him to talk. It was silent for a few minutes before he wearily replied, "I don't know." It wasn't much but at least he's talking to me. "Well I have no idea what I'm going to do. I mean what can I do with a writing skill?" I laughed nervously at his cold stare. More silence. "There's a lot you can do with a talent for writing." said Komaeda quietly. "With a talent for writing you can reach the hearts of people and change their lives, you can speak to them through your works and inspire them." he continued. I was left in shock at the unexpected response, I had never thought about my writing like that. To me it was just like a party trick that nobody was really interested in. "Uh, thank you Komaeda, I never thought of it that way." I said smiling nervously at the unexpected reply. He never said anything but I could have sworn, that just for a second, he wore a ghost of a smile. 

It then hit me that I had no idea what Komaeda's talent was. "What is your talent Komaeda?" I asked. "I have no talent." he said rather bitterly. "I'm sure you do, otherwise why would you have been selected to go here?" I said in shock. "Luck." he replied. "You couldn't have been selected just out of luck!" I exclaimed in surprise. "If only you knew." he said very quietly, it was barely a whisper but I still heard. I was confused, I'm sure he wasn't selected by random chance, he must have a talent. Why is he reluctant to tell me? Suddenly Komaeda got up from his seat, he was very tall and his uniform was somewhat messy. "Sorry, I have to go now." Komaeda said while walking towards the door. "Wait, Komaeda!" the words came out before I had the chance to stop them. Komaeda stopped, his hand resting on the door knob. "Uh, see you tomorrow?" I asked him very nervously. He stayed still for a little while before finally turning to face me. "Yeah...see you tomorrow." he said before walking out of the room.

I stood in the empty classroom for a long time just thinking. Komaeda is such a strange person, he has walls built around him to protect himself from the outside world. And according to him nobody likes him, and from what I've seen, people do not want to associate themselves with him. Is there something in his past that makes him afraid to socialise? I wonder. I glanced down at my watch, 5:43. It was getting late so I began to make my way home. Before I left, with my hand resting on the door knob just like Komaeda had done, I looked back into the classroom. My first day sure was an eventful one. And with such interesting and different people, and along with the mysterious Komaeda that I have yet to figure out, I know that this school year will be one to remember. 

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