Finding the Perfect Place

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Komaeda had dragged me out of the classroom and we were now on our way to find a venue for our project. "So, where exactly are we going?" I asked curiously. Komaeda stopped and turned to face me, he then rested his hand on his chin before saying, "I'm not sure." "What? So what are we doing?" I asked again. "We're exploring, after all, life is just one great adventure." Komaeda replied whilst continuing to drag me around. (It seems he isn't about to let he go) I thought as I let Komaeda drag me all over. We had arrived in the centre of town when Komaeda started to look around. "What on Earth are you doing?" I asked him as he looked around aimlessly. "I'm trying to find somewhere, what does it look like?" Komaeda said with a thoughtful look on his face. "Well I'm sure we'll find somewhere in town." I said enthusiastically. I looked around the crowded town where all sorts of people were walking all sorts of directions. That's when Komaeda seemed to notice something. "Hey, look!" he said looking excited. I followed his gaze and noticed a beautiful building with an intricate and extravagant exterior. On the window of the building there was a sign which read, "Individuals wanted for open mic sessions, must be original, any copies will be disqualified." Komaeda looked at me with wide eyes, "Perfect!" he said gleefully as he walked into the building. "H-Hey, Komaeda wait up!" I said as

I quickly followed him into the fancy building. I found Komaeda and said "Don't leave me by myself out there!" I said exasperated, crowded places have never been my scene. "Sorry, I just got excited, that's all." Komaeda said with a genuine look of guilt. (When he looks at me like that then there's no way I can stay mad at him.) I thought to myself. Then I said, "Don't worry, it's perfectly alright." Giving him a smile. He looked relieved and said, "Thank you." We looked at each other for quite some time when Komaeda suddenly said, "Oh, that's right! We came here to find a venue!" Komaeda said, suddenly snapping out of whatever he had on his mind. Komaeda went to take a step forward when he suddenly collided in to a person and was knocked to the ground. "Komaeda! Are you alright?" I said rushing to him, extremely concerned. "I'm so sorry, are you ok?" A voice said from above Komaeda. I looked up and saw a tall man who was probably middle-aged. He had short brown hair with half-moon shaped glasses that sat on the edge of his nose. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks." Komaeda said, supporting himself on one arm whilst rubbing his head with his free hand. "This is terrible! What ever shall I do to make up for this?" The man said looking troubled. It was then Komaeda looked up. "Hey! I know you! You're the owner!" Komaeda said, wide eyed. The man then said "Yes that's correct. What is it I can do you for?" he said. "Well, well, well. There is something you can do for us." Komaeda said smiling, he then turned to me and gave me a subtle wink. "Actually, we're in need of a venue to host our poetry reading and as your sign out front says, you're in need of some individuals who are willing to perform an open-mic session. And as it happens, we are individuals who'd be willing to perform." Komaeda finished giving the owner a sly smile. "Of course, of course!" the owner said, "As long as it's an original poem, I'd be delighted to offer you a place on stage." the owner continued happily.

I stood there confused, (was it really that easy?) I thought to myself as Komaeda and the owner continued to talk. "Oh trust me, it's original. This girl wrote it herself right in front of me, isn't that right (Y/N)?" Komaeda said, turning to face me. "Oh, uh, yeah, I did." I said while nervously looking down. "Excellent! I'll get you all set up, you'll be on the stage and you'll read out your poem. I hope you don't get stage fright, after all the open-mic sessions are very popular." the owner said. "Then it's settled!" Komaeda said standing up. Then he turned to me, "Well (Y/N), I present to you, our venue." Komaeda said whilst his arms were spread out dramatically and he spun in a slow circle. I still remained surprised. (It was so easy, so coincidental, so.....lucky) I thought to myself as I watched Komaeda looking joyful.

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