The Wrench In The Works

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*???'s POV*

"What the hell is this?" I yell, quickly ascending from my chair, knocking a couple of things over as well as the leather chair I was sitting on. "What the hell is this?" I repeated to myself in a state of absolute fury. It was then that I heard a voice come from behind me, "Please calm down." they said calmly, "It'll be oka-" before they could finish their sentence I struck them hard in the face sending them to the floor where they lay, groaning quietly in pain. "You dare interrupt me? You will pay later for your insolence!" I walked back to my computer screen and studied the image carefully. I couldn't believe my eyes. On the screen I saw my most loyal servant sitting with an unknown girl that I had never seen before. "Okay, who exactly are you?" I asked myself as I used the computer scanning technology to highlight the young girl's face, then a separate window popped up with the girl's student I.D. "Hm, (Y/N) (L/N), age 16, bit of an author I see..." I continued to read through the school record, "Relatively good student...oh look at this, a note from her mentor. Seems as if this...Miss. Yukizome is quite fond of this girl, what's so special about her anyway?" It was then that I shook my head, "You're getting too caught up in this girl's life, shake yourself." I said, it was then that the last sentence of the note caught my eye, "(Y/N) is not afraid to reach out to those who do not feel comfortable in social situations and she is working hard with fellow student Nagito Komaeda to spread hope to the people of the city."

I was stunned as my eyes rested on that one sentence, I felt my anger build as the words of the mentor set in. "He did not make me aware of this 'project'." I said, seething in anger. Not only had he betrayed me, he withheld information from me, this cannot go unpunished. I know that this girl is a horrible influence on Komaeda, she is attempting to undo all of my hard work. She must be intercepted. As I was thinking to myself, the continuous groans of pain from my other incompetent slave got quieter and they slowly got up. I then turned to them and said, "We have a little problem that needs taking care of." I picked the chair that had been knocked down and sat back down on it. I focused on this (Y/N) as I plotted my next move. "What are we going to do?" my slave asked me. "This little girl is really throwing a wrench into the works and she needs to be removed." I said as I interlocked my fingers in front of my face and leaned on them. "How do you plan to remove her?" they asked me. I began to think a little bit harder before giving a slight smirk and quietly laughing to myself. "Oh, I don't know. We could capture her, convert her to our cause, or, we could end her life." I finished, smiling at my thoughts. "Won't we run in to trouble if we kill her?" they asked me, tilting their head to one side. I paused for a minute and laughed again, "Oh well, as they always say, you can't make an omelette without breaking a couple of eggs. Whatever we have to can't be helped." I smiled and then started laughing hysterically. I calmed down and sighed, my vision came round to rest on the girl's face, the traitor was sleeping in her arms, pathetic. I looked at her gentle face. "OK (Y/N), let's play."

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