Time Standing Still

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The whole scenery was frozen and it was as if time had stopped completely. Komaeda stared at me with an unwavering stare, I was captivated and could not look away. The sound of a quiet wind and the sound of falling leaves could be heard. The sun was slowly setting, creating a beautiful horizon. As Komaeda was staring at me, I felt almost a gravitational attraction and we both began to lean in. As I realised what was happening, I began to blush intensely. We continued to gaze into each other's eyes as if they were locked together, we continued to move closer together, just as our lips were about to touch...Komaeda pulled away. He stood up hastily and said, "I'm so s-sorry, I have to go!" Before he ran off out of sight. I sat on the swing in a state of confusion, (why did I do that?) I thought to myself, but I couldn't find an answer. I remained motionless for a long time and in some cases as it happens, a moment can hang in the air and last much, much more than a moment.

I stepped into the dark house and I reached over to switch on the lights. My beloved dog came over to greet me as he usually did. I half half heartedly pet him and he sensed that something was wrong, he began to rub his head into my hand and I bend down to pet him more. He then licked my face incessantly and I laughed. "OK, OK, I get it, stop!" I said through laughter. My words seemed to get through to him and he stopped, looking up at me with his big brown eyes which held so much love. I stood back up and began to make my way to my bedroom, my dog, of course, close behind me. I swung open my door and my dog came
in after me, I then shut the door and climbed into bed. My dog took a step back and leaped onto my bed and immediately curled himself into a tight ball, just like a cat. (Haha, what did I do to deserve such a weird and unusual dog? I love him.) I thought to myself as I giggled lightly. I wrapped myself in the covers as the harsh and bitter wind from outside chilled me to my very bone, it seems that the wind wasn't as gentle and as inviting as I expected. When I was settled I began to think long and hard about what happened in the park.

(Why did I do that?) was the only thing I could ask myself, (Well it wasn't only you, it was Komaeda too) I argued to myself. (Well then why did Komaeda do that?) it was useless, no matter how hard I wracked my brain I could not find an answer. In my frustration, I groaned and shoved my head into the pillow. My actions disturbed my dog so of course, he got up and got as close to me as humanly possible, his head right beside mine. I turned to look at him and I pet him once more. (I don't understand anything) I thought to myself. I was in a mental dilemma, I have no idea what I was doing in the park, and I have no idea what Komaeda was doing. (What would have happened if Komaeda didn't pull away?) the thought rushed into my head and I began to imagine what could have happened, I immediately became embarrassed and shook the thoughts away. (N-No way would that happen! Besides I don't even like him that way?)

When I thought about the possibility of me liking Komaeda, I got embarrassed and tried to think of something else but my thoughts kept coming back to it. I was arguing with myself and it kept coming to two very cut and dry answers, either "maybe you do" and "definitely not". I turned over and screamed into my pillow to ease my frustration, this startled my dog and he leaped off of the bed and curled into a ball on the carpet. I looked over at my clock and the numbers read, 10:54 pm. (I should probably get some sleep). I knew this would be a hard task, I continued to think about what could have been and what didn't happen and also the possibility of my liking towards Komaeda. After a couple of hours of trying, I finally fell into a restless sleep.

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