The New Student - Mini Chapter #3

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*Komaeda's POV*

"What in the hell were you thinking Nagito?" I screamed internally as I was slumped over my desk, holding my head in my hands. "Why did I ever think something could happen?" I continued to think over and over again. It's strange but I feel a strong connection with (Y/N) and I couldn't help my actions. "This is moving too fast" I thought to myself. I sat in my chair, my head face down on my desk as I tried to piece together what exactly happened. (Y/N) and I were just sitting, chatting, having fun, and I ruined it! What's wrong with me?

There was a battle raging in my head, one side arguing that what I did was not right, the other side saying that perhaps it was the right thing to do and I should have kept going. "Why are you like this?" I groaned to myself as the two opinions in my head tried to take over one another. "Please stop" I pleaded as the voices kept arguing. "You're disgusting! She's your only friend and you nearly ruined it!" One argued whilst the other was saying, "You need to try and think about how you really feel, maybe it was right. You need to really dig deep and discover how you truly feel".

I picked up my phone and turned it on, 10:54 pm. It was getting late and I was exhausted. But the conflicting voices in my head were preventing me from relaxing. I was fighting myself, two sides of me think two very different things, and it's up to me to decide which one to listen to. "Please stop, please" I begged as I turned over to rest my face into the pillow. "Please stop".

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