Girls' Night

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8:54 AM read the digital clock by my bedside. "Ugh" I moaned groggily as I shifted myself into a sitting position. Sunday, the worst day of the week. All you do is lay around waiting with sorrowful anticipation as you realise that the weekend is over. I picked up my phone and winced as the light from it blinded me. A notification came up on the lock screen, it was a missed call from Ibuki. Opening my phone I called her back, the phone rang several times before an energetic voice on the other end spoke. "Hey (Y/N)! What's up?" Ibuki said on the other end, "Uh, nothing much." I said whilst wiping my eyes. "You OK? You sound sad." Ibuki replied sounding concerned. "No no, just tired that's all." I said. The events from last night came flooding back and I felt a tight pain in my chest, I shook it off and continued the call. "Well you can't just lie in bed all day! We have to go somewhere!" Ibuki said with enthusiasm. "Ughhhhhh, do I have to?" I replied wearily. "Obviously!" Ibuki said. I knew. I would never win this debate so I said, "Fineeee, I'll go." "Yes!" was all I heard before Ibuki said, "OK, I'll get something sorted and I'll text you the details, see you then!" Then she hung up. "Huh. Guess I won't be in bed all day." I said softly to myself as I got up and got ready.

"Meet at 3:30 at the coffee shop down town." Those were the instructions that Ibuki had sent me. It was a bitterly cold day and I clutched my scarf closer to my face. As I walked in to the coffee shop I saw Ibuki and a few other people. There sitting with Ibuki was Nanami, Tsumiki and Saionji. "Hi (Y/N)!" Called Ibuki as she waved. "Hey" I replied shyly back. I looked around each person at the table as they greeted me. "Good afternoon (Y/N)" said Nanami as she gently smiled. "Hello" said Tsumiki as she dropped her spoon but hastily caught it. "Hey. Don't think I'm here because I want to be, Ibuki made me." Saionji said, shooting a glare at Ibuki. "You love us really, I know it, deep down in that cold little heart of yours." Ibuki said whilst giving a cheeky grin. I laughed gently as I saw the antics. "Well don't just stand there! Come on and sit down!" Ibuki said brimming with excitement.

I took a seat next to Nanami and we all began to talk like old friends. We talked about the most random things that anybody could think of and we were all laughing, even Saionji looked like she was enjoying it. "See Saionji! I told you we'd have fun!" Ibuki said triumphantly. "No, I'm just doing it because I have to." Saionji replied hastily. "Sureeeeeee." Ibuki said, mocking Saionji. We all had something to eat and drink so after a while we split the bill and headed out. "That was actually so much fun." I said feeling really happy. "We're glad you say that." Nanami said as she smiled and walked beside me. "Yeah, a girls' night is always really fun, we should do it more often!" Tsumiki said as she got excited. "Definitely!" I said laughing. As we were walking along Ibuki leaned over and said, "So hey, what is it with you and that Komaeda guy?" The question caught me off guard and I didn't know how to reply. "Uh, what do you mean?" I asked nervously. "Well you always hang around with him, it's starting to make me think that something is going on if you know what I mean." Ibuki said slyly. "No no no! Nothing like that!" I said nervously as I started to blush. "Okayyyy." Ibuki said whilst laughing at my frantic behaviour. "Anyway, things are awkward between us." I thought to myself as I dropped my head in sadness.

Suddenly Nanami nudged me and I looked up, there walking around with a hoodie covering his face was none other than Komaeda himself. I stood there confused before I shouted out, "Komaeda?" he looked up at me and met my gaze, his eyes widened and he ran away quickly. I stood there confused and hurt, "why did he just run away?" I thought to myself. Saionji came over and said, "Pft don't worry about weirdos like that! He's a half-wit anyway." I replied with a small, quiet, "yeah" as I looked down the way he ran. "Why did he just run away?" I thought to myself as the pain in my chest once again returned

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