Finding A Home In You

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So there I was, sitting in a cold park, nearly freezing to death, with someone who I adored sleeping in my arms. Worth it? I think so. I stared down at him lovingly as he shifted once every so often and let out small gentle breaths. He looked a lot younger in his sleep. We stayed like that for maybe an hour when I felt him stirring in my lap. "(Y-YN)?" He said softly as he rubbed his eyes. "Evening, Komaeda." I giggled, he got up from my lap, still looking very tired and said, "I'm sorry-" he went to continue but I stopped him abruptly. "It's alright, don't worry. Here, I'll take you home." I smiled to him but Komaeda looked hesitant, almost scared. "Uh, I don't want to go back to my place." He said quietly, almost as if he knew someone was listening to his very thoughts. I tilted my head in confusion. "O-Okay, how about we head back to mine then?" My smile grew brighter in an attempt to soothe him. "I couldn't do that." He said, looking down into his lap. "Of course you can! Now let's go." I said as I pulled him up and dragged him to my house.

We entered through the front door and Komaeda surveyed the surroundings before exclaiming quietly to himself, "It's all so beautiful." I turned around, "Sorry, what was that?" I asked. "Oh n-nothing, I was just saying that your house is beautiful." Komaeda said while looking around at all the pictures that hung up on the wall. "Thank you." I said, giggling at the compliment and how awkward he was. I gently took him by the hand and brought him into the living room where I proceeded to slump down onto the big sofa that enveloped me in warmth. Komaeda, however, just stood there looking at me with a reluctant gaze. "Don't just stand there, sit down." I said, laughing slightly. Komaeda lightly scratched the back of his neck as he sat down, a little ways away from me. A warm silence rested in the air, the one of comfort and familiarity. "It's funny." Komaeda said and I tilted my head in response, "It's funny how at home I can feel in a place I've never been to." Komaeda smiled. I stared at him in a state of confusion, "I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean." Komaeda's smile faltered as if he wasn't aware that he said it out loud. "Forget it." Komaeda said quickly, as he shrugged it off. 

As an awkward silence broke the air of comfort, a single question couldn't help but play on my mind, "Why don't you like going home?" I asked timidly. Komaeda froze in place and I felt that it may not have been my place to ask. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." I said in an apologetic way. However, Komaeda simply looked at me and his eyes quivered with an untold emotion, so much so that I froze too. Komaeda then opened his mouth to speak, "I don't feel safe in my own home. I feel like I'm always being watched, no matter what I do, I feel like there's someone watching, judging me." Komaeda said, looking down at his lap as he fiddled with his hands. I sat there, feeling remorse for him as he eyes spoke the words that he didn't want to say. It was a confession of fear in a place where he should feel safest. The next words that came out of his mouth shocked me. "The only time I truly feel wanted and safe is when I'm with you." Komaeda said as he gazed into my eyes with a sincerity that I have not seen from him before. The few simple words spoke volumes to me as an indescribable happiness filled every fibre of my being. 

Komaeda continued to stare at me but his eyes held something different, it was as if he had just given up a long held promise with himself. Without my knowledge, Komaeda had gradually come closer to where I was sitting. "With you I don't feel like I need to pretend to be someone I'm not" Komaeda said as he inched closer to me, our surroundings seemed to dissipate and all focus was centred on the man in front of me. I held my breath as the space gradually closed between us. I closed my eyes and I felt a warm sensation on my lips, it was a soft and gentle collision between two people and somehow, I felt as if I could sense how he was feeling through his lips. The moment seemed to last an eternity as warm feeling continued on. When we finally broke apart there was no longer any conflict in Komaeda's eyes and he had the expression of content on his face as I began to feel a little more shy. Komaeda then smiled gently at me as he then opened his mouth to speak, "If it's alright with you, could I maybe stay here a while?" 

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