Wake Up

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The next thing I knew I was walking down the long, winding hallways of Hope's Peak. Everything appeared so much darker than usual and there was a heavy mist that draped the dampened grounds of the school campus. The rainstorm outside intensified as the water droplets battered the windows and the deafening sound echoed through the empty halls. I glanced further down the hall and could no longer see its end, I had no idea where I was going or where the hallway lead but I had a strong desire to walk its length. It was then that I saw a shadowy figure within the darkness, one with a slim frame...and uncontrollable hair. "Komaeda!" I shouted into the void. Komaeda turned and looked straight at me before turning around and began walking away. In my desperation I ran as fast as I could down the long hallway, then it began to distort and shift. The hall seemed to never end and its walls began to close in around me, I continued to run as fast as I could but Komaeda was nowhere in sight. "I won't give up, not here, not now!" I said to myself as I continued running, then all of a sudden, I fell to my knees. I began shaking as I lowered my head to the floor trying to catch my breath. It was then I heard soft footsteps on the old oak-wood floorboards, I lifted my head slightly and Komaeda was looking down at me. He was wearing his uniform but around his neck and wrists, there were chains, constricting his movement. Komaeda opened his mouth to speak but everything had gone silent and I saw him mouth two words...."I'm sorry."

I jolted violently as I was awoken by my nightmare, I was covered in cold sweat and I surveyed my surroundings. I was in a small room with several beds and a polished wooden desk and chair in the corner. Everything seemed pristine, almost immaculate. It seemed that I was in the infirmary, but I couldn't quite remember what happened or how I got here. It was then that Miss. Yukizome walked through the door, she was holding a small box that was neatly wrapped up. "Hey (Y/N), how are you?" She smiled at me as she approached me. "I'm fine thank you. Only problem is I can't remember what happened." I wearily smiled back at her, Miss. Yukizome pulled up the chair beside my bed, placed the box on the table and sat down. "Well, you and Komaeda were talking, then he walked out and you started acting strange. You stumbled slightly and you looked as if you weren't fully there and then you suddenly fell. Luckily Tanaka was able to catch you before you fell and really did some damage. After that he brought you here, at least that's what I heard. Your friends are all really worried about you, Hanamura even made you a little something." She finished. "Ah, I see, well I'm fine, no need to worry about me!" I said, giving a weak smile. However, Miss. Yukizome's expression faltered and she began to speak, "(Y/N), are you sure you're OK?" she said to me. "Yeah, I'm fine, t-trust me." I stuttered as I looked down and began to fiddle with the bed sheets. "You can tell me anything you know? I'm your teacher after all." Miss Yukizome said to me as she reassuringly placed her hand on my shoulder. "Well, it's just that, let's just say that I've been having a few problems." I said to her quietly. "Problems with Komaeda?" she asked. "Yeah." I replied, my voice barely a whisper. 

"Well if you want my advice I'd say that to make things right you can't give up. Keep trying to talk to him and make things right, remember, everything may not be what you think it is." Miss. Yukizome smiled. "I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean." I replied, however Miss. Yukizome still continued to smile, "Just keep talking to him and never lose hope. If you want to get along with him then your feelings will eventually shine through and he will understand." she said. I began to smile and said, "Yeah, you're right! I will keep trying to make peace with him, I refuse to give up!" Miss. Yukizome's smile widened and she said enthusiastically, "That's the spirit! Now continue to get some rest and I'm sure you'll be as good as new soon enough!" she then stood up and said, "I have to go now, I left the class alone, in hindsight, not my greatest decision." Miss Yukizome laughed as she scratched her head. "Alright, but really, thank you for coming to visit and thank you for your advice." I said happily as I gave her a genuine smile. "It's no problem, after all, as long as you're one of my students I'll try my hardest to ensure that you are well taken care of." she smiled and waved as she left the room. 

*Miss. Yukizome's POV*

I waved to (Y/N) and I walked out of the door. I stopped and I gathered my thoughts. Then I quietly giggled and said to myself,

"Young love is a complicated thing."

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