Game Plan

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Komaeda and I were discussing what we should do for the yearly project when Komaeda told me about a dream that he had had. Also during this discussion I had finally found out what Komaeda's talent was, he was the Super Duper High School Level Luck. "So, how exactly do you propose we make your idea a reality?" I asked him. Suddenly he looked up as if he had just realised. "Yeah, that's the thing, I'm not sure how." Komaeda replied looking disheartened. "Don't worry, we'll find a way." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him. Komaeda tensed up at first but then relaxed, he looked up with wide eyes and then his expression softened and his somewhat sad demeanour was replaced by a more confident one. "Yeah, you're right." he said with a smile. Seeing him happy made me smile myself. 

"OK so what now?" I asked him and Komaeda immediately placed his left hand on his chin and began to think. "Hm, I say that you should start writing while I find a place with a lot of people for you to read it out to." he said looking straight at me. "Yeah, that's a good place to start." I smiled enthusiastically and I got out my notebook and pen that I always carried around with me. Sometimes, a random idea for a poem or a story would just pop into my head and when that happened, I'd take out my trusty notebook and write it all down. Inside the notebook there were lots of poems and short stories. The notebook was black leather bound with a brown strap that kept the notebook closed. The strap had a silver clasp in the shape of a leaf. On the front of the notebook there was a black rose that had been etched into the leather. This book was very special to me as it was the same notebook that I received from my father and mother after they saw my potential for writing. 

"Nice book." Komaeda said pointing to it. "Thank you." I replied with a smile. "Hey Komaeda?" I asked. "Yeah?" he replied. "Why don't you help me write this, seeing as it was your idea?" I asked him with a smile. "Uh, maybe that wouldn't be such a good idea, I'm not much of a writer." Komaeda said with a look of uncertainty. "Hey, you'll never know if you don't try." I said trying to reassure him. "Not sure that I'll be any use to you but I guess I'll try." Komaeda said looking nervous. "Great, we'll let's get to it!" I said with a tone filled with confidence and enthusiasm. So we sat beside each other in front of the notebook and began to think about what we could write to spread hope to everyone worldwide. "OK, first off what type of writing should we do?" I asked Komaeda, turning to face him. "Type of writing?" he asked confusedly. "I mean should we write a short story, a poem et cetera?" I replied to his question. "Oh, I think we should write a poem, I've always liked them." Komaeda said looking happy. "Alright, a poem it is then. Now what should it be about?" I asked, returning his smile. "I'm not sure, what would spread the message of hope?" Komaeda asked. Now that he had mentioned it, I can't think of anything that I could write about to spread the message of hope, being honest most of my poetry is very dark as I find the topic easy to write about so happy topics aren't really my forte.

 While I was thinking, Komaeda suddenly lifted his head in excitement, I looked up at him, eager to hear what he had to say. "I've got it. The world is a cold and dark place filled with deceit and betrayal, pain and suffering, and when people see this, they lose all hope in themselves and in humanity itself, so what if we write a poem about hidden messages that the world has. You know, superstitions if you will, like if you see a feather then an angel is watching over you, stuff like that. Sorry I'm rambling and probably making no sense right now." Komaeda said suddenly looking down. I stared at him stunned. "'re an absolute genius!" I said with a wide smile on my face. "What? No, not really, it was just an idea I had, it's nothing." Komaeda said scratching his head and looking embarrassed. "No, it's perfect." I said happily and Komaeda looked back up while I had already put pen to paper. "Well, what are you waiting for? We have a poem to write!" I said enthusiastically. "Yeah, I guess we do." Komaeda replied with a small smile. And with that Komaeda and I set out to write the poem together.

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