Pick a Partner

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After everyone had settled down, everyone returned to their seats and Miss. Yukizome stepped up to her podium. "OK class, now that (Y/N) has joined I thought we could do a little project to make sure (Y/N) becomes properly acquainted with you all. so I want you all to get into pairs and when you're all done I'll reveal what our project will be, so get going everyone!" said Miss. Yukizome with the same hint of excitement in her voice as she always has. Everyone started getting into pairs when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, I turned around and there was Chiaki standing before me. "Hey (Y/N), why don't we partner up?" I was just about to answer when suddenly she was pushed out of the way by an incredible force, "Nah, (Y/N) obviously wants to partner up with me." said Owari with a voice which was seething with confidence. "Uh no, of course (Y/N) wants to partner up with me. Right (Y/N)?" said Ibuki whilst throwing her arm over my shoulder and bringing me closer to her. "Oh, um..." I was at a complete loss as to what to say to the three of them, I didn't want to have to choose someone. As I was wondering what on Earth I should do, my eyes wandered over to the same corner of the room where the same lonesome boy sat, I then had an idea. "How about I partner up with him?" I said while gesturing over to the boy. "Are you kidding me?!" exclaimed Ibuki in surprise. "(Y/N) I wouldn't be so sure about him." said Chiaki very nervously. "Have you lost your mind? Why the hell would you want to partner up with him?!" finished Owari. All three girls looked at me with eyes filled with surprise, the unexpected reaction piqued my interests.

"Why? What's so bad about him?" I said with growing curiosity. Chiaki was the first to answer my question, "Well you see, Komaeda is a very....shall we say strange character." Chiaki sounded very nervous, as if she would get into trouble if she was heard. "Strange? More like straight up freaky!" said Owari looking at me with a piercing look of warning. (So his name is Komaeda, he doesn't seem like a bad guy, so why is everyone so apprehensive to talk to him?) I thought to myself. "I think I'm going to partner up with him." I said and then quickly walked towards his desk before the others could stop me. I approached the boy and even though I kept getting closer, he didn't look up, even for a moment, he only stared steadily out of the window. "Uh, hi, I'm (Y/N)." I said to him, but I was given no response. "I was wondering, would it be OK if we partnered up for the task?" I asked with my nervousness growing in intensity, I glanced back at the others and they all looked at me with the same bewildered expression. "Why?" said Komaeda still staring out of the window, his voice barely a whisper. "Well, I think it would be fun you know? You're the only person that I haven't met yet." I replied to him. Komaeda finally moved slightly to look at me in the eyes. "Maybe it's better that way."  he said very quietly. "And why would that be?" I said confused. "You see, the people here don't necessarily like me very much, if you hang around me too long then they'll start to hate you too." he said very bluntly. "That's not true at all! I'm sure they don't hate you and they won't hate me for being around you either." I said in shock to what he said (Why on Earth would they not like him?) I thought to myself. Komaeda simply stared at me. "Why do you even want to partner up with me?" Komaeda said, raising his voice to a more conversational volume. "I told you already, I want to get to know you." I said smiling at him. "You're weird." said Komaeda, laughing to himself. "So, does that mean we can be partners?" I asked wide-eyed. Komaeda hesitated a bit before finally saying, "I suppose so, only if you're prepared to face the consequences." That was all I needed to hear and I was extremely happy that I could finally get to talk to him. "OK then, see you in a bit." I said in a cheery voice. "Sure. See you later." Komaeda laughed lightly as I walked away.

"What the hell are you thinking!" said Ibuki when I came back. "Hm, I don't know, I just want to see what he's all about." I replied still cheery from the successful encounter. "You are heading for a world of trouble my friend." said Owari shaking her head slightly as she tried to comprehend my reasoning. I was still smiling though, (I am excited to get to know Komaeda better, he seems very mysterious and people don't want to go near him though, it's a shame, he's a nice guy. Why is everyone so weary about him?) I thought to myself. Then Miss. Yukizome called the class back together to reveal what our group projects for the year would be. Everyone seemed to be beaming with excitement as to what the project would be, Miss. Yukizome stepped up to her podium and began to speak.

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