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if you don't like slight secondhand embarrassment then I don't think you'll like this chapter


"Get into nicer clothes, idiot."
"You can't wear jeans to a Broadway show?"
"Of course not! Button-ups and jackets or don't go at all."
"Alright, alright. I'll change clothes."

Ethan stepped into the bathroom to change and closed the sliding door.
Travis started to pace the adjoining room.

"The play starts in an hour, Ethan..."
"We need to be there right now if we want to beat the crowds!"
"Will it really matter in the end?"
"Probably not."

Travis looked into the crack of the sliding door while pacing to see a shirtless Ethan.

He stopped walking.

Ethan was rather toned. Not a six pack (Travis didn't like dating super muscly people), but a soft tone. Travis could see the outlines of Ethan's muscles, but they almost looked etched in, as if there was so much more to see. If only he could get closer and—

"Jesus Christ, Travis! Do you know the word privacy?"

Travis blushed and walked to the door on the other side of the room, trying to steady his breathing.

An unfinished sketch...

"Let's go, Travis."
"Don't stare at me ever again please."
"No promises."
"I hate you."
"Thanks. By the way, I like you without a shirt on."
"Fucking h—"

...An unfinished sketch for Travis to complete.


Thank you for 10K babs
I promised fanart for the 10K but sadly I'm out of town for the weekend on a three-day-weekend so I left them at home

Buuuut I gave you a steam-ish chapter???
Hope you liked???

Fun fact about $7.49 — I usually write the chapters the night before I publish them.
I edit over any mistakes in the morning and then publish it

(Morning/editing Syd here. I wrote this last night.)

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