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Travis felt an arm wrap around his waist.

"Morning Travs."

Travis smiled and switched directions to face Ethan.

"Hey babe."
"Sleep well?"
"Like a rock."

Ethan kissed Travis's forehead, pulling away ever so slightly so that his lips were an inch or so away.

"Can you believe it's almost New Year's Eve?"

When Ethan talked, Travis could feel his breath on his head.

"Nope. Can you believe that we are where we are right now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Here, in each other's arms..."
"You're such a hopeless romantic."

Travis moved his arm and began to lightly touch Ethan's back.

"What do you want to do today?"
"We'll have to rent them."
"Netflix is a thing, Ethan."
"I'll cue it up on my laptop if you make the popcorn."

Ethan slid out of the warm covers and turned back to Travis.

"Movie theater butter?"
"You know it."


Ooo expect angst soon

*smol rant*

writing gay fics with two cis guys is sometimes hard because all I can basically use are he/his pronouns and the sentence "he kissed him and moved his hand around his waist" is a eyeful to read jfc

*okay I'm done*

Have a good day everyone! ^.^

Also thanks for 12K doggerydippers

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