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"If you could pick out any book to buy, what would you want and where is it in the store?"
"Way to be blunt, Ethan."

Travis hung his head in his hands, furrowing his brow in thought.

"It's not a life-or-death decision."
"When I'm put on the spot, it takes longer to come up with shit l usually think about all day."
"I don't know how to help... do you really want a book? I could buy you coffee? Markers? A mandala coloring book?"

Travis shrugged his shoulders.

"Why do you want to buy me something anyway?"
"I feel like I need to repay you from last night's food."
"Fine. I guess I'd like a copy of 'the usual' for my moms."
"Sounds good."

Ethan took Romeo and Juliet off of the "classics" stand, per the norm, and placed it in Travis's hands.

"$7.49, please."
"Here you go, my lovely babe."

While Travis was completing the transaction, Ethan hopped over the counter and pulled out a strangely-shaped credit card.

"What's that? A gift card?"
"I told you, I owe you from last night."

Travis looked down at the card in Ethan's hand and blushed a crimson that could've stopped cars. He snatched the card out of Ethan's hands and stuffed it into his pocket.

"I lost it last night, but I'm glad I found it to give to you."
"Why the—"
"You're welcome."

Travis's voice was barely a whisper.

"I can't believe you, you crafty little-"
"Nice words, Travis."

"Thanks for the v-card, you kinky shit."


Not dead just busy

sorry lmao

Also I'm writing this chapter at like one in the morning ahaha what the fuck



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Deadline- October 31st (Halloween)

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