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"Hey gorgeous, I have to be at work in thirty."
"I don't want to get up."
"Why, because you're afraid you'll forget last night?"
"We didn't have sex, Travis."

Travis started to giggle.

"I still can't believe you've never French-kissed anyone before."
"I have to have some of my innocence left."
"For an innocent kisser, you sure do know how to French kiss."

Ethan laughed and rested his hand around Travis's waist.

"Maybe next time I'll see you without a shirt on."
"Maybe not on a work day. I don't want my boss to see any potential hickeys."
"To hell with him. I might give you a necklace of them."
"Fuck off!"

Travis turned to the other side of the bed and crossed his arms.

"You're cute when you're mad."
"Shut up."


On a bus to Branson doodle doot

Update 1/2

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