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"Hey Ethan, it's Travis. Did you die?"

Travis called Ethan's phone for what seemed like the millionth time before sighing and slumping into the love seat behind the counter.

"Where could he be..."

Travis crossed his arms and started to think. Ethan would never stop talking to him out of the blue. Maybe he was grounded? Maybe Michele became jealous? Maybe—

"His parents."

Ethan had mentioned he had a bad relationship with his parents. Maybe they didn't accept him. Maybe they confiscated his phone and told him that he could never step foot into—


Travis stood up and rubbed his eye.

"Yes, hi."
"You're the same cashier from yesterday, aren't you?"
"I bought Romeo and Juliet yesterday."
"Oh, you're that guy."

Travis leaned on the counter.

"What can I get for you?"
"Are you stoned?"
"Nope. My boyfriend has lost all contact with me and won't respond to shit."
"You have a boyfriend?"
"Yeah, bu—"
"You know that's a sin, right?"

Travis pursed his lips and shook his head.

"You know its rude to butt into people's private lives, right?"
"You told me about it."

Travis lifted his hands and dropped them aimlessly.

"What's your name?"
"Destry, might want to get your head out of your ass, it's not a hat."
"And you are, who? Irrelevant?"
"Travis. I'd advise you to back the fuck off."

Travis smiled and handed Destry his change.


Sav trav

Also shoutout to amycankat because she's translating our book into Russian!

(I've also decided that if you wanna translate, please pm me about it)

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