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this chapter talks about not great parents so if that makes you upset then skippety-doo-dah along thanks


**hours earlier**

"Ethan! I'm glad to see you at home, for once."

Ethan's mom was everything he wasn't; snarky to strangers and old-fashioned, the short, robust woman seemed to radiate hatred. Ethan just couldn't tell if she hated her job, her husband, himself, or all three.

"Hi, mom. Back from the business trip in Madrid already?"
"Don't act so surprised. I'm making dinner, and your father and sister are out buying food a-"
"Dad's here, too? It's rare to see you and him in town at the same time."
"We're still a family, you know. We need to do family things every now and then."

Ethan snorted, and got out his phone to dial Travis's number. He would be glad to have him over, if anything.

"What're you laughing at?"
"Your obliviousness to your own stupidity."
"Well, I never-"
"You leave your kid to live alone for months at a time, and you still consider us a family? Even I didn't know you could be so blind."

The side entrance to the home opened. Ethan's father, a sickly-looking man carrying luggage, entered the house.

"Hey, Ethan! Glad to see you."
"H-hey, dad. Where's Christine?"
"She went out with some friends. Said she had made plans or something, I don't know. Why, were you thinking about getting away from family bonding tonight?"

Ethan stiffened and nodded his head.

"Yeah, actually. I was. I told a friend I would meet him for dinner."
"What friend? Lucas? James?"
"Lucas moved to South Africa because of his dad's job, and James is... somewhere else."
"Did he die or do you just not like him?"
"He travels so much and posts so little he's almost dead in the social world."
"Oh. Then who is it?"

Ethan moved closer to the front door.

"A guy named Travis. I met him at the bookstore, and he's ridiculously smart ."
"Hanging with the nerds now, eh? Maybe he'll rub off on you."
"Very funny, dad. He invited me over for dinner and I told him I could go. Is that alright with you?"

He was silent. Ethan had one hand on the doorknob, ready to sprint out to Travis's.

"Where are you going? Get back in here."

Ethan's mom grabbed Ethan by the arm and practically dragged him into the living room.

"Christine doesn't have to be here."
"Christine is an adult and she can do what she wants. You, however, are not yet of legal age to be out."
"I told Travis I would be at his house for dinner, mom."
"You're acting like you like them better than us! What's gotten into you?"
"Common sense."
"Cut it with the attitude, young man, or I'll-"

Ethan's phone started to ring.

"Let me take this, mom. It's Travis."
"How about I take it instead?"
"For Christ's sake, mom, he's my friend. It's my phone."
"I pay for it. Give it here, you whiny brat!"

She snatched the phone out of Ethan's hands and quickly walked outside to take the call.
Ethan calmly walked into his room, shut the door, and stared at the ceiling.

His relationship with his parents wouldn't improve this visit, either.


Transitioning between short story chapters and long chapters (y'all should check out my sci-fi book bait) is hARD

This chapter was accidentally 528 words when they're usually 300 max WHOOPS

here's some hand-lettering I did adios

here's some hand-lettering I did adios

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