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***sensitive subject in this chapter that might cause controversy so don't read if you're kinda triggered easily***

"Thanks for dinner."

Ethan and Travis stood facing each other, on Travis's doorstep.

"Do you want to..."
"Come in?"

Travis opened the door, and Ethan tugged Travis by the sleeve into his room.

"Where are your moms?"
"Always out of town. Business trips."
"I see. Does that give me permission to stay over?"
"I don't see why not."

Ethan fell back onto Travis's bed, and Travis fell into Ethan with a grunt.

"Do you have a small bed so you can force your boyfriends to cuddle with you?"
"Partially. Also because I never planned on having a boyfriend."
"Awe, don't think like that."

Travis rolled over and kissed Ethan.

"Are you going to have to ask your mom if you can be here?"
"She doesn't care. My relationship with my family is pretty broken."
"It's.... It's alright. Even if your parents don't enjoy your presence, you're always a welcome family member in my house."
"Really. Even when you feel like the world's weight is on your shoulders, just come over here and I'll help you bear the weight."

Ethan sat up and pulled Travis up. Travis took off his coat and flung it off of the bed, and stayed on his knees to unbutton Ethan's.

"You are cliché as fuck."

Travis lost his balance from where he was kneeling and fell into Ethan. Looking down, Ethan realized that Travis was straddling him.
He blushed.

"Well, I'm a hopeless romantic."
"In love with me?"

Travis moved his legs to that each one was on either side of Ethan's hips. Ethan realized two things: Travis was basically sitting in his lap, and that his pants were becoming tighter to wear.

"Who else?"

Travis closed the gap.


Late fouble fouble to come soon

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