Who is she?

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I could feel my throat close up a little, its not even the fact that I haven't been nominated, but I cant go to the show if I wasn't invited and I really want to be there for my best-friend to watch him hopefully accept his first award.

"I'm sorry bud, no luck yet." I just patted his shoulder, but he looked a lot more upset for me then I was for him. "It should come in the mail soon, id be really surprised if you weren't nominated for something." Dallon chuckled, standing up from the couch to got to the front door. "I want to be there for you though, I'm not bothered about not being nominated." I shrugged, opening the door to allow the tall man to exit my home. "We'll just see what happens." and with that he was walking down the drive to get to his car.

Sighing, I shut the door and ventured over to the kitchen to grab a drink. Spotting my wife, I quickly wrap my arms around her waist and kiss the top of her head. "I'm heading out to get some dog food, do you need anything?" I say slowly rocking, as she giggled to herself. "Nah I'm good, just make sure to get dry food for Bogart." She turned around and draped her arms around my neck, planting a tiny kiss on m lips.

We hesitantly let go, grabbing my keys I venture to the door and head out to the local mall complex where the pet shop was located. I also need some new cables for in the studio so a quick trip to the music store was definitely necessary.

My feet finally touched the concrete of the car park, I quickly ran a hand through my hair and made sure the mop was in some sort style just in case I encountered any fans, I didn't want to look like a mess. I quickened my pace as entered the building that was a lot less populated then I thought it would have been.

I grab myself a cup of coffee from the Starbucks counter and continue to trot around the variety of shops, looking at things I didn't really need but still totally wanted to buy. When I'm on my own its hard to concentrate on the things I actually came for as I just get easily distracted but pointless shit, and then have nobody to guide me in the right way. But hey that's the fun of it all. A little adventure never hurt nobody.

I finally made it to the music store that was all to familiar to me. My family lived in this area as a child so this place was actually where I got my first guitar from. So it holds a special place in my heart. "Hey Joe." I call out to the manager who seem to be putting a drum kit together. "Ah Brendon how are you?" He got up, chuckling at the sight of the tall man. "I'm good, just came in for some new cables and stuff." I pointed behind me, gesturing to the other side of the store where I knew all the mix table stuff was. "Ah don't let me stop you, call if you need help." The small, frail man collapsed back to the floor and got back to work on his drum kit.

"Oh my, it is you." I heard a quiet voice say from behind me as I looked at the different types of cables for the different mix tables that they had in the store. I quickly turn around to see a girl peering up to me with glistening eyes. Looking at her something felt oddly familiar, that the look in her eyes just screamed at me, it was like ive seen it before.

"Could I get a picture?" She squeaked out again, snapping me out of my trance. "Of course." I chuckled and smiled heavily. She quickly took her phone out and handed it to me so that I could get a higher angle on the photo. I held it up and smiled, quickly snapping a couple before handing her back her phone.

"Whats your name?" I ask just out of curiosity, maybe I could put a name to the face that I oddly recognised. "Darcy." And with a final smile she was out of the store with quick pace, obviously full of excitement. I just laughed to myself and carried on looking around the store, trying to dig out of my mind why that girl looked so oddly familiar.

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