Shhhh its playing.

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We finished and made our way off stage. By this time the dj cranked up the Christmas songs to finishes off the dance. We didn't want to stay any longer so I said goodbye to some friends and walked out with Harvey. We walked Down to the local park which was like a block away. We pulled out some chairs and sat in them. I leaned on the table and wanted to collapse.

"You tired bub?" Harvey asked rubbing my arm. I nodded. Harvey pulled out my chair and carried me, wedding style. At this point Alex, Jenny and kira caught up and found it very funny that Harvey was carrying me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulders, Alex being the fan girl he is took another picture, I tried to swat his phone away but he snapped it an ran before I could. We all went to my house except Jenny who had to leave. We learnt more about her, she had curly ginger hair, glasses, she loves Kpop music and supernatural. She plays the piano like an angel and her drawings are amazing, she's very shy but kira brings out the most in her, I ship it. I ruffle Harvey's hair as he gets all cheesy about how much he loved our performance, I kissed him to shut him up and it sure work.

Harvey opens the door and I scream "HUNNY IM HOMEEE!" At the top of my lungs. Brendon and Sarah both jump and told me to sh. Harvey carried me to the couch and threw me down, we all congregated on the couch. Brendon was playing all the videos from tonight. Cringe attack.

He was sitting on the edge of the couch bouncing his knee up and down, he was getting excited. I put my hand on his knee and he stopped, but as soon as I moved it, it carried on, we all just laughed.

Brendon started to cry. We all joined for a group hug. "Darc.. Harvey. That.. That was beautiful, I need to send these to Dall he will be so happy to see you covering his songs." I laugh and we both thank him. I lay back and put my head on harvey and my legs across Brendon's lap. Of course while watching stranger things we all feel asleep one by one. I was the last to fall asleep. Despite me being tired earlier all my energy rushed back to me.

I was also the first one to wake up. I grabbed my phone to check the time, it was just after eleven. I grabbed some pots and pans from the kitchen and started banging them together. I mean it got them up. "Wakes wakey sleepy heads!" I shouted and they all groaned.

Everyone else left and I went to go get changed. I slipped out my dress and put on a baggy green day hoodie with some panic! Sweatpants, I love winter as I can dress up in baggy clothes to get warm. I let my hair out of the braid and bun and it fell down past my shoulders. It was all curly and cute, i wiped off last nights makeup and applied so,e new stuff. I decided to take a quick selfie and posted it.

The joys of winter.

I slipped on my slippers and walked back downstairs. I decided not to have breakfast and just grabbed an apple I stead, I read Kerrang as i munched on my apple. Brendon came up behind me, ruffled my hair and kissed me on the cheek. I swallowed my bite and spoke out "so I think I'm going out with the boys today I'm not sure wear they said it was a surprise. And before you say anything yes I'm going like this it's cold." He just laughed and I stuck my tongue out. I threw my apple core away and ran back upstairs.

I grabbed a pair of blue skinny jeans to look more acceptable and my combat boots. I grabbed an old vans backpack and but my purse, my backup makeup and some other essentials in there. I dragged it downstairs with me and I waited for the guys. I grabbed my phone and my glasses of the counter and scrolled through Instagram for a while.

Finally I hear Michaels car pull outside. I waved to Brendon and Sarah and walked out the door. I threw my back down by my feet as I took shotgun seat. I greeted everyone "so what's the plan for today?" Micheal smiled and said "you'll see" I just plugged in my earphones and sat back for a while.

We finally reached some ski slopes. I looked at micheal and turned my head he just smiled.

I took my headphones out and left them in the car. I slipped my phone in my bag and proceeded to walk out if the car and up to a wooden building.

I could hear the guys talking so i decided to lay back a bit so i could join. "Hey darc how did the dance go yesterday, i saw you pictures in twitter i remember my school dance days." John broke the silence with. I laughed and explaimed to him how magical it was.

They all looked at me in awe as i told them about me and harvey performing. Then we heard a familiar voice shouting.

"Hey cal, i didnt know you were coming today." I say hugging calypso i missed her.

"Well micheal didnt want you to be the only girl and i wanna take some photos for my photography course." She says smiling down at me.

We all walk inside and sign a couple of papers and we got to get suited up.

We got all the gear on and i threw my bag in a locker, brian grabbed his go pro and we walked to go grab our skies.

Suprisngly we've done this before, john suprised once with lesson so we could all go on a big skiing trip together. That trip was one of the best weeks of my life. Spending time doing fun things with the people i love the most.

Sadly the day went by pretty fast, we goofed around alot and cal got a great pictute of me backflipping of a ramp. I didnt know i could do that until day.

We all grabbed our stuff and walked back to the car. I plugged my phone into the aux cord and played a random playlist. We all song along to each and every song that played. We all looked like idiots, but that didnt matter.

Aww its great to catch up with some people that mean so much in your life.

Btw my friend who micheal is based off picked his girlfriend to be called calypso, Calypso Brown. Dont ask why i dont know myself.

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