Day 1

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The guys got back with an hour to kill, I rushed Into the upstairs bathroom. I changed into a longish black skirt that had like a lace pattern over the top of plain black silk, I paired that with a white turtle necked crop top and a leather jacket. It was winter but performing and running around stage, I'm gonna be boiling by the end of the performance. I touch up my eyeliner and my braid.

I grab my glasses from my bed and meet everyone who are downstairs. I grab a black pair of flats from near the door and slip them on. I walk past Brendon and ruffle his hair and before I could walk away he grabs my hand and pulls me onto the couch.

He laughs hes as I cross my arms. "Excited for your first performance?" He says kissing me on the side of the head. "I'm ready for this" I say with a determined look on my face. We all grab our stuff and head to the venue.

Me, Michael, John and Brian had to cover our faces and any way people could tell it was us as we wanted it to be a surprise, you thought people would have guessed from the picture of the bus on Twitter, but honestly it made people more confused.

We all made it into the venue and hooked up our gear. We did sound check and that was honestly so much fun. Brendon sang some Sinatra as me and Dallon slowed danced and the floor. I was crowd surfing Micheal, John and Brian and I almost fell but I was fine no harm was done. It was an amazing time.

I ran up to Brendon and engulfed him into a huge hug, "you'll do great kid I promise." He kisses my forhead as the guy in the ear piece counts down. Everyone runs in one after another and as soon as the music starts I walk out onstage.

Brendon's POV

My girl is on stage. Performing with her band mates. Singing her little heart out. Sometimes I forget how old she is and keep thinking she's a little girl. But she will always be my little girl. Cliche right, sorry.

The first song was over and I was in tears, I felt someone place their arm around my shoulders. "You made a gooden" Dallon says rubbing my arm. "Yeah I did" I say wiping my tears away.

She was jumping around and doing stunts I've seen before, definitely got them from me. I decided to film some stuff from the side lines and I got the perfect shots, she was spinning around and her skirt spun around with her as her hair fell from her braid, it was such an amazing shot, it was so cool. She will be so proud of me, I laugh and put my phone back in my pocket.

I was honestly thinking of hiring her band mates for panic they were such good players, honestly I now fangirling over them, I'm gonna get posters of their band and put them on my walls like Darcy's.

I could see a lot of people singing along to their songs, about half of the venue knew almost all the lyrics. And the other half was definitely enjoying it. It's so weird that this many people are already fans of her band without our little secret, I think this week may be the week.

Darcy's POV

I sang my heart out. I was passionate about my music. And I was loving it.

I kept jumping around the stage spinning and jumping off amps and stage boxes. I could see Michael out of the corner of my eye he had the biggest smile on his face, this was one of his biggest dreams, to be on stage.

I stared at the crowd while singing one of our most popular songs, so many were signing back to us, I can't wait for the meet ups to start tomorrow, we couldn't do them today as we had to keep who the openers were a secret.

"Thank you London, this is such a great experience to be here tonight, this is our first ever show and I loved every second and I hope you did." We all stood in a row and bowed. "We're coloured paints and this is Panic! At The Disco!!" We ran off and the lights shut off.

I quickly ran up to Brendon but it was too late. I sighed. I saw a note on the dressing table, I smiled at the boys as we all high fived. I picked up the note and it read "look in the costume room there's a suprise" I tied my hair back up before I left the room.

I walked down the hall and slowly opened the door, when I turned on the lights I saw a familiar face. "Harvey?!?" I screamed, he ran up to me and spun me around. We kissed and we didn't let go of each other. He pulled away and just stared at me. I just smiled and laughed.

"I watched the whole thing, I was off in the sidelines so you couldn't see I wanted to surprise you." I ruffled his hair and dragged him back to backstage so we could watch panic.

This is only the second time I've seen panic live and omg their amazing. Brendon's vocals ranges change more, and you can hear Dallon and Kenny sing their hearts out too. I rested my head on Harvey's shoulders as everyone came out of the dressing room and we watched them preform.

As soon as they finished Brendon ran towards me and picked me up, he squeezed me and wouldn't let go. Tears flowed from his eyes, and I squeezed him tighter. Everyone walked off to give us some space. No words were spoken for a while.

He and I didn't know what to say at this point, we had no words left to say. We stood there for a good ten minutes hugging before we finally let go. He showered me in kisses. "Darcy..I..I I'm so proud of you." He says letting the water work outs. I grab my some tissues and we hug again. Then the rest of panic comes out and we all have a big group hug.

"Hey kid you did good tonight" Dan says high fiving me, I just laughed. We made our way back onto the tour bus and I go upstairs to get changed. I grab a pair of pj shorts, a top and a baggy panic hoodie. I wipe off my makeup and leave my hair up. I sit on the couch for a while staring at the trees as we drove past.

I hear loads of footsteps running up the stairs. To my suprise all of panic come in screaming almost with no noise coming out if their mouths.

I assume everyone else is alseep.

They ran in with a box of capri suns. I laughed to myself. "Guys im not 5" i said laughing. We sat there drinking capri suns for a while and they kept asking me question about my performance as it was my first time on stage.

I dont really remember anything else as i feel asleep on brendons lap while we were watching stranger things.

First day of tour and everyone is emotional. Welp there's more to come.

Ok so the night this is being written panic! Have released a picture with like a child in a chair and some fucking triangle over it, I'm honestly scared and pissed at the same time as the link that it leads to you can join something and my mums being salty as you have to add your postcode save me please.

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