God its been a while.

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First day back to school wooo kill me.

I roll out of bed with zero effort, I could just hear Brendon walking up the stairs just ready to mock me.

"Goo." I cut him off before he could say anything. "Don't!" I say holding my finger up while grabbing some clothes.

He pouts and walk back out of my room. I got get changed.

Some nice red, ripped skinny jeans, my green day shirt and a long red flannel that went to the bottom of my thighs to match my jeans.

I rolled up my sleeves and buttoned them to secure them. I slipped on my combat boots and tied them.

I walked over to the bathroom, tied my hair into braids and did my usual sloppy makeup, including the on fleek liner.

I grab my glasses and my phone and head downstairs. I decided to skip breakfast and just grab a cup of coffee.

I wasn't in the mood for today, today was the day cindy got out of her years isolation. Cindy now where do I start.

Cinder has always been the jealous type, she doesn't really have friends except her main hoe Becky. And instead of all the boys drooling over her it's kind of the opposite. And as I went out with her crush she would not stop bullying me for the next three years.

I can't wait to see her again, to be honest her constant nagging doesn't get to me, I have learnt to ignore it.

I grab my bag and my penny board and set off for school, I meet kira on the way. We have a nice chit chat on the way about what we've been doing.

We meet up the the boys in the quad and we sit on our usual table.

"So the big news was finally revealed then!?!" Alex says flailing his arms around.

"Yeah Brendon thought it would be the best option to do it now and everyone supported us so." I say smiling.

"Aww how cute, look at daddy's little girl and her cute little squad" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me.

Before even turning around I replied with, "you know Brendon told me not to talk to little skanks like you" I heard her gasp and everyone tried to contain their laughter.

"Huh, that's actually quite funny you know, but I have one question. Why is it always Brendon this Brendon that why never my dad? Hmm, telling lies now are we? Doing it for the fame just so your band can get big." I could see Harvey in the corner of my eye get up.

"STOP!" I screamed. I could feel the tears, she walked off laughing.

Everyone kinda just crowded and we all joined together for a group hug, I let some tears fall but I wasn't gonna let her stop me.

Me and Alex made our way to form, he kinda side hugged me the whole way to comfort me. I told miss fletcher everything, she already knew about the previous situations so this was nothing new.

I actually made it through the the day without seeing her again.

A week had passed and it's now Monday again.

Let's change it up a little
Brendon's POV

I heard the door slam, and I mean slam. All my attention is dragged to it. I saw Darcy throw her bag down and burst out into a flood of tears.

She collapsed to the floor. I ran over as fast as I could, I engulfed her into a hug.

"Oh god Darcy's what's wrong. Shh don't cry it's ok I promise." I say rubbing the back of her head trying to keep her calm.

"It's cindy, she keeps saying that your just pretending to be my dad for the fame." She says between every last breath.

Ugh that bitch will not get away with hurting my girl.

The next day I decided to take Darc to school. "So this morning I was thinking I could drop you off." I say to her smiling putting her pancakes on her plate.

"Thanks bren" she says with a slight smile. She was still a little shaken from yesterday.

"Also I was thinking we could do a little father-daugther shopping afterwards, I'll pick you up and we can go for lunch, I hear Taco Bell calling your name." I hear a little laugh.

I drive her to school, the whole trip she just looked out the window with now contact at all. We arrived and I saw her.

I kissed her on the cheek and she walked out, I rolled down the window and honked my horn. It grabbed her attention and she was now looking at the car.

"You forgot your lunch" I say handing Darcy the bag and giving her one last kiss, I saw her jaw drop, I just laughed to myself and drove off.

I drove back to her at the end of the day to pick her up and take her shopping.

I gave it a bit of time so i could make sure that cindy was making her way to the mall.

"How was today?" I say as she climbs into the car.

"Well suprisingly good, i preformed on of my own songs and got an a*" she says putting her bag on the floor.

I ruffle her hair "ahh thats my girl, ready to go?" I say starting the engiene.

She nods and turns up the volume really loudly.

We sing every lyric to every song before we reach the car park, suprisingly it wasnt busy.

We get out of the car and walk up to the doors.

I walk straight towards hot topic, she looks up at me and smiles.

I got crowded, by alot of people, but so did darcy and i couldnt stop smiling.

I saw cindy walk past and i laughed to myself, i carry on signing and taking photos.

Darcys buys some new merch and we walk towards the food courts.

I scoop her ul and put her on my shoulders. "Bren im not 5" she says with a slight laugh.

"I know" i say smiling as again i see a familiar face walk past.

We finish up in the mall and head home. Im pretty sure cindy wont bother darcy about me again.

With every school there needs to be a bully and sadly she targets, but brendon to the rescue. So school is back in action not long now until graduation

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