The start of something new.

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"Brendon.. I.i. I don't know if it's the right time I mean my bands just starting to grow and.." He put his hand over my mouth to silence me. "Darcy I think it will be good to finally get it off our chests I mean we can't leave them waiting for so long." I nodded.

Skip to the last day of tour.

Nottingham, it was such a nice city I'm surprised I've never been. The rest of the week has been amazing each crowd got better and better, everyone was so supportive. It's now Saturday and our last show is tonight. I'm gonna miss it for a while until maybe our band does an official tour.

I decided to go all out tonight, I picked out my cropped see through lace top with a bra like top underneath, and then I also picked out my gold sequinned skirt. I styled my hair into two French braids and did some great flicked eyeliner, the rest of the makeup was the same. I grabbed my flats and walked back out onto the bus.

"Alright boys tonight's our last night make it count!" I say to my band mates as we all huddle and put our hands together.

We head out for our last sound check and fan meet up for probably a while, I mean I don't think we will go on tour soon were not that big. But maybe another opening act.

We meet up with the fans, who were great, and we messed around a lot in sound check and the time flew by and my heart begins to sink slower. I was so scared for the last bit of the show. My heart was racing.

I waited for my que and ran onto the the stage. I sang my heart out, I was so passionate, it was the last night of tour, gotta make it count right.

I could see the boys were enjoying every last second of this, there smiles made me smile, were a great bunch.

We finished our set and introduced panic. I ran into the dressing rooms and locked the bathroom door. I sat on the floor tapping my foot rapidly, only nine more songs Darcy you can do this repeated over and over in my head.

I finally unlocked the door to face reality. My heart was racing. I felt a slight to a on my shoulder which made me jump. "Hey kid what's wrong?" I hear Brian say in a sad tone, he bends down and hugs me. "I don't know if I can do it Bri I don't wanna be known as the girl with the famous dad you know?"

He looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "Darcy honestly trust me this is the best decision otherwise Brendon wouldn't suggest it, you have to tell them sooner or later and later is always the worst option, our band has blown up, and we haven't blown up because of your dad, it's because of us." I hug Brian tightly, I hear screaming down my ear piece that I have to be ready in five. I sighed and pulled away.

I walked over to the sidelines and watched as Brendon nervously tells our story.

"Alright so before we end this,  I have some really important news, now this is gonna seem really weird and your all gonna be like wtf Bren, but hear me out." He took a huge gulp and begun.
"Ok so a couple of months back, a girl came up to me in a music shop, she was quiet didn't really talk much, you could tell she was shy." He looks over to me and smiles. "She asked me for a photo and of course I said yes. I then saw this girl again and for the next week I couldn't get her out of my head, I'd seen her before. So my VMA letter came and as I read the nominees out I saw one name, it stuck out, it wasn't my own, it was Darcy Matthews, that name it's so familiar. But then I knew where I knew her from when I finally saw the face of her mother. Now this is the part where you freak out. Basically when I was 14 got a girl pregnant I was young, eger and clumsy, but we were young and we couldn't look after it, so this baby was put in adoption. I would visit her every year for her birthday until she was finally adopted. I never named her it was up to the birth mum which I never saw again. A couple of months ago I adopted this girl back." He invited me to walk onto the stage. You could already hear the gasps. "So yes ladies and gentlemen Darcy Urie is my Daugther,"

the crowd went up in a roar, clapping, cheering they were all in awe. He side hugged me and kissed my head. This turned out better than expected. "We are panic! At the disco good night Nottingham!" And we all ran off.

"We did it Darcy." Brendon knelt down and squeezed me. We could finally be a normalish family.

Everyone, even Sarah, joined in for a group hug. This felt so right all of a sudden. We could Finally go out and normal things as a family and no body would be suspicious.

Brendon gave me a piggy back to the bus. He was dancing and swaying around the whole time, Dallon had to stand behind just in case he dropped me. I just laughed and enjoyed the night sky.

I got changed into my pjs and climbed into my bed for the last time, im gonna miss tour I mean it was only a week but it was the best week of my life. I got to preform with the people who mean the most to me.

Well tours over and everyone knows that Brendon is your dad, how's life gonna be now. You now get to spend a week with Harvey.

Also Brendon can you not with the la devotee video.

That's My Girl. // (B.U.)Where stories live. Discover now