Happy birthday dude

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Skip to the weekend.

Brendon comes running upstairs. "It's here! It arrived just in time." He runs in my room holding a box. Of course I knew what it was and what it looked like but I was so anxious that he was gonna like it or not. I opened the box to find a maroony, velvet violin case with 'Alex' stitched into it. It was beautiful. I squealed a little when I saw it. Brendon walked back to to go wrap it for me while I got changed. I grabbed a black, turtle necked, long sleeved crop top and this high wasted white knee length skirt to match. I grabbed my converse that I wore at the VMAs and ran into the bathroom. I did a more outgoing look for my makeup, sparkly eyeshadow, cat winged eyeliner, mascara and a bold but Suttle maroon lipstick. I curled my hair slightly and grabbed my glasses. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I walk downstairs to see how Brendon was doing with the wrapping. Surprisingly it was wrapped almost perfectly. As I walked over to the kitchen I heard them both gasp. "I say my Daugther grew up to be a fine looking lady." Brendon says in a posh voice. I slap his arm and grab the present and the card. Brendon went through a load of rules before Harvey's mum turned up. "Be back before 10
No kissing
If there is paparazzi be vague with your answer give no information about anything new
Have a good time let your worries sink away."
He kisses my forehead and I walk out the door to Harvey mums car. "Hi Darc you.." Harvey's mouth dropped and I laughed. "Yep I'm ready." I say putting my phone into my bag and smiling and Harvey's mum in the mirror. Harvey was still in shock the whole ride there. "So what did you get him then?" I say pointing at the bag. "Oh um, just some stuff from hop topic he can be trash like us" we both laugh and he points at my box. "Oh well mine is a suprise." I wink him and we go back to singing to the radio. We reach the restaurant and before I could open the door Harvey opens it for me and puts out his hand. I laugh before grabbing it and jump out the car. We wave to his mum and walk into the restaurant. It was beautiful in there, chandeliers were everywhere and the tables were set perfectly, I admired the beauty of the room before I was knocked out of my trans by Alex's voice. "You two made it!" He says hugging us both. We all laugh and he leads us to the table. "Kira should be here in a minute traffic is my pretty bad tonight." I say reading the words off my phone. Alex nods.

Kira turns up not long after we turn up. We all pick a separate booth to sit in I sit across from kira and next to Harvey. "Ok can I just say this, I've known you two for like a week but honestly you need to start dating" I look up in suprise and shy away my cheeks turn red and Harvey tries to spit out some words but failed. Luckily Alex's mum comes and saves us all by saying they have a suprise for Alex. We all get up and follow Alex's mum to a room with tables and chairs and one special chair at the front that had birthday banners all over it.

The room was filled with all of Alex's relatives, tears started to run from his eyes. We sat down at one of the tables near the front, Alex's was a shy person so didn't really know what to do with this many people watching him open up some presents, but he did it any because he was a trooper. He hates large crowds and I mean hates, he's scared to preform in music next week as our music class is huge, I kinda feel sorry for him his mum tried to do a nice thing but made him feel more uncomfortable than he was before.

Apparently this was a tradition, all his family would get together on a members birthday and would all celebrate it together. He sat there opening up all the presents and it got to mine. He picked it up and smiled at the label, he looked at me and tore the paper open. My heart was racing faster and faster by each piece being ripped. I wasn't sure if he was gonna like it. He opened the box and pulled the case. He slowly put it down on the table and put his head in his hands and tried to not to cry. He ran over to me squeezing me tightly. "Darc..t. Thi. This is amazing. I've needed a case for so long I've been trying to save up for ages, but now I have my very own." I rubbed his back and we both pulled away from the hug. Damn I almost started crying myself.

We all went back to our tables and Alex would not stop thanking me. I told him it was no big deal but he wasn't having it. Our food arrived and it was honestly the best thing I have ever tasted, it's even better than Brendon's cooking. Tonight was amazing, I got to meet a lot of Alex's family members only a couple of paparazzi teams snapped a few photos and asked me a couple of questions I kept my cool and it was fine, I mean me and Harvey barley talked but that was fine we just had a great night celebrating Alex's birthday.

It's so weird how a person you have just meet can make such a great impact on your life. Sadly it was time to leave. I wave goodbye to everyone and hug Alex wishing him on last happy birthday. I walk outside with Harvey and again the car journey was silent. We still felt awkward from the whole 'you two should date' speech. Thanks Alex. We arrived at my house and soon as I was about to walk through the door I fell someone grab my arm and spin me around. "Harvey what are you.." And before I could finish my sentence he pressed his lips against mine. At first I was gonna pull away but I couldn't it it was magical to say the least.

We finally separated "did I tell you you look stunning tonight" he lets go of my hand and walks back to the car. I enter the house quietly. I take off my jacket and my shoes and place down my bag. Brendon jumps of no where and screams "IM GOING TO KILL THAT BOY" I jump out of my skin and scream back" what the hell Brendon never do that again, did you just watch that whole thing." I put my hands on my hips and pout. "No. I mean maybe. No. No I wasn't" I hit him on the arm and scream "perv".

Ohhhhhh my boy Harvey getting his first kiss. Fuck it up Harvey, fuck it up proud of you. This was kinda sweet laid back chapter I spared you the drama this time.

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