Your not gonna believe this.

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I was kinda scared at first. I asked Brendon if he was expecting anyone one and he shook his head. So I just headed for the car, I examined it before knocking on the window. To my suprise Dallon was sitting in the front seat. "Da..Dall?" I say looking really confused, "hop in" he says smiling so I do.

Ok so first of Harvey ignored me and now he doesn't give me lifts anymore great. My heart races faster and faster as we got closer to the school. Dallon looks at me in the rear view mirror. "Hey kid you ok, you seem anxious." So I tell Dall everything from the dream to the reality. It felt good to get it off my chest. "Well there's no need to worry about your current situation just relax your not gonna believe what's gonna happen." I look at him confused, I shake my head and continue to stare out the window.

We arrive and I hop out I wave at Dallon as he drives off. I walk into school, it weird not walking with anyone, I felt really lonely what if the dream was true, I started to feel my lip quiver and a couple tears started to run down my face, before I know I'm having a full on mental break down. I could barely breath, I sprint into school dodging all the students in my way, I quickly made it to the nurses office. "Mi..mis" before I could say anything I collapse on the floor in a state of panic and exhaustion. She helps me back up and into a seat. I try to calm my breathing down as best I can, she talks to me for a while to try and calm me down more, we have a nice conversation I mean she's doing it to help me but it felt nice to have someone to talk to. She gave me more time to get my breathing back on check and so sends me off with a late note.

My first period was art, Alex and kira are in that class great I can talk to them. I make my way down the now empty halls, it's different when your not being bombarded by a ton of students. I make it into class and hand my teacher the note. I sit next to kira and get all my art stuff out my bag. When I look back up she's gone to sit with other people. Other people. And not her best friend. Alright, ok Darc no tears she just probably needs help. I hand my artwork in to get graded, "nahh my favourite student getting top marks again" she says admiring my artwork. Than the bell rang signalling it was break.

I walk over to our usual spot but no one is there. I decided to text Bren.

Bren I'm scared everyone is avoiding me and I can feel myself ready burst into panic mode, my dream feels like it's become true and I just wanna cry, I already had a panic attack this morning just imagining the dream coming true but what happened when it's a reality.

He replies back almost immediately.

First off I'm still sane I promise I'd never hurt you like in your dream your to precious to me for me to neglect you, and secondly I'm sure there's a good reason I heard Alex is sick, just wait and see believe me.

I shut for my phone off and prepare myself for the rest of the day. I decided to eat lunch in my music room and have a chat with my teacher as she normally gives good advice. We start talking for a while and the bell rings, my last lesson was music so I sat in my normal seat and waited for everyone else to turn up.

Everyone took their seats and Harvey straight up ignored me. We watched some documentaries on some famous musicians and I was too drawn to them to notice I was being ignored, there was something so fascinating about how the different musicians became famous and I honestly hope that one day a group of children like us will be watching a documentary on how I became famous and it's not because of my dad. I sat their smiling for a while and my trans was disrupted by the sound of the bell. I got out of my seat and sat on the table as I always do, I faced away from the whole form, I just ignored everyone and everything at this point I was ready to just break down but I'll wait.

The clock seemed to move so slow and I sat there tapping my foot to the noise it made. Tick. Tick. Ring. Finally I can be realised from this hell. I walk amongst the crowd to my locker. I open it up and I honestly could have cried right there right then. A dosen orchids sat there, of course I know who they are from, I picked them u smelt them and let out a little laugh. I noticed a note hanging out from the side and I grabbed it. It read "see you at the quad" I swear this guy is always up to no good.

I slowly make my way outside to the quads, as I reached the doors I could hear a familiar tune being strummed, my heart melted. I saw kira run to somewhere and Harvey started to sing in a slow, quiet voice. "Could this be love at first sight or should I walk by again?" I opened the doors and Alex who was definitely not sick started to lay down flower petals Infront of me as I walked up to him.

As I walked closer I started to sing with him to hold back my tears, "turn the lights off I'm fallin in love with you.." We sang perfectly in sweet harmony, our voices were the perfect match together and it sounded angelic. I finally made over to him and sat on the table next to him. We swayed together to the beat of the song still singing with all of our passion. When we finished he pulled me close into a passionate kiss, it felt perfect.

I couldn't have dreamt of this moment ever happening to me and here I am. We pulled away and kira and Alex made there way over to us. "So Darcy Matthews" he then winked at me. Kira was shaking with excitement but also trying to record the whole thing. At this point k was in floods of tears, no one had ever done anything this spectacular for me before and it's such an overwhelming feeling. "Will you go to the Christmas dance with me?" I hugged him and he pulled me back in for another kiss, like hell I was going to say no. Alex and kira started cheering and I heard a cry and some claps coming from the door.

Ok raise you hand if you totally ship Darvey *raises both hands* now that you knew why Harvey was ignoring you for so long what's the dance gonna be like and who is crying at the door.

That's My Girl. // (B.U.)Where stories live. Discover now