Periscope party

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My thoughts got clouded by the familiarity ringing through the girls' voice who I meet in the music store. As I pulled up my driveway all I could was try and retrace my life steps to see if that girl popped up anywhere, nothing. Only thing I could come up with would be that I've meet her at a concert or in the street sometime, because theres been some other time where I've heard that tone. I try to shake my thoughts away as I get out the car and grab my bags from beside me, juggling everything in my arms. 

Erie clouds lay all over the house as I entered to complete silence. No foot steps or pitter patters from any form of creature could be heard for miles and my body ran cold. My heart rose once again when I saw Sarah emerging from the garden with a letter in hand. "Hey, this just came for you." she arose on her tip toes to lay a delicate kiss on my cheek as she placed the envelope in my hands and waltzed back to the dogs in the garden. I look down at the bold 'CONFIDENTIAL' and my eyebrows knit together in confusion. 

I Immediately rip open the letter with anticipation and fumble around with the papers inside. My eyes scan over the words and I instantly recognise the writing and my heart race speeds back up again. The one thing I had been waiting has finally arrived, meaning that I can go support my fellow band mates at the VMAs. The plastered smile on my face refused to leave as I quickly drew out my phone and decided to quickly periscope it to break the news to my fans to get voting. 

My knee wouldn't stop bouncing, my mind wouldn't stop racing. I stared back at myself in the screen of my phone and could only see happiness being radiated. Suddenly the connection successfully peaks back up and the livestream starts. And I went off, I just couldn't contain my excitement anymore, the more people that flooded into the livestream, the faster I would explain the situation and the more the excitement ran through my veins.

Pride. What I felt could only be described as pride. Yeah sure I may have won awards in the past but each time I even get nominated the pure amount of pride and self worth that radiates through me is enough for me to able to die happy now. Its just great to know that something you created is loved so much that people think it is worthy enough to get voted on by people and possibly awarded. It shows that all the hard work isn't for nothing and that maybe I am appreciated.

The view count starts to grow and so does the amount of love and support. And I see more and more commenting about already voting for the band and me for the awards we have been nominated for and it makes me so thankful for all the people out there who actually take just two seconds out of their day to say they appreciate what I create.

One comment catches my eye when I see Dallon congratulating me on the fact I was too nominated and so was the band collectively. Then the comment afterwards was him saying that him and the rest of the gang were coming over for a celebration party. Looks like the emergency stash of booze will need to be broken into. Drastic times call for drastic measures. 

Not even that much time passes before my house has been officially raided by Dallon, Kenny and Dan and their significant others, all lounging around the pool side while jamming to old classic songs and drinking whatever beer we could get our hands on. The periscope was still running for a while, must comments being about how Dallon was too scared to get into the water so we should push him in, even though we were already going to do it anyways, everyone else was just one step ahead of us. 

See being in a band with people that you consider your close friends is probably one of the best feelings in the world. You just get to constantly hang with the people you can easily tolerate so theres no need for negativity ever, and then theres days like these where you get to celebrate your milestones as a band together. And thats probably the most important thing is that we are together and doing it as one. 

Just in time, my phone starts to ring as I close down the periscope app after waving goodbye and thanking everyone for the kind messages and shutting the live off. I quickly run back inside the house to take the phone call so I can hear the person on the other end of the line over the horrendous background noise. 

"Hello?" I speak out as I drag my phone across its screen to quickly answer the call. "Yeah hey Brendon, its Mike. You've been asked to open the VMAs this year and I wanted to make sure that was okay with you before I confirmed you would be attending?" My managers words repeat on a loop in my head for what seemed like forever but was only a matter of seconds. The smile on my face from early grew heavily and I almost screamed out of excitement.

"Of course that would be fantastic thank you." I tried to keep my calm on the phone so I wasn't unprofessional, but inside I wanted to scream with joy and run around for a bit until the excitement wore off. We ended the call and all I could do was laugh, the joyful smile never leaving my face. My feet almost went form underneath me as I ran outside to tell the rest of the gang the good news. It just seems like this day just keeps getting better and better. What next?

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