Excepting fate.

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I could barley breath. What just happened. One moment I'm excepting an award that I've tried so hard for, next moment Brendon is my legal father and Micheal practically knocks him out.

I look at him, he's twiddling his thumbs. "Hey" I barley let out a little squeak. He stops and looks up at me.

"Yeah?" He says trying to remain cool. "Should I just except this? I mean if it's gonna cause less drama" I say then looking at my shoes kicking lint on the floor. He sighs "I honestly don't know anymore darcy" he signals me to come over, I rest my head on his shoulders and he gives me a side hug. He ruffles my hair and stands up.

" hungry?" I nod my head and he goes towards the little kitchen area. I dangle me feet off the bed moving them forwards and backwards.

I see Micheal return with two bowls of cereal. "I wonder what's happened it's so quite now." He lets out a little laugh "God knows" we both chow down. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket but there was nothing, no text off Julie, non off anyone.

I'm pretty scared. I mean by now I thought there would be banging on the door and Brendon would be furious. "It..it doesn't make sense why would he do something like that" Micheal stops stuffing his mouth for a second "who Brendon?" He says with his mouth full of cereal, lovely.

"Yeah why would he disappear for a while then come back with an adoption letter?" He perks up his eyes lit up. " wait they didn't tell you?" I look at him confused. He swallows the rest of his cereal before blurting out "Brendon is your birth father." Woah woah woah Bibbity bobbity back the fuck up. I stood up up clenching my fists and slamming my foot down. "HES MY WHAT!" I started to pace up and down the room. Wtf. Why has no one ever told me? Micheal yanked my arm and he pulled me to face him. "He was a young eger teen, he got a girl pregnant, that kid was you they have you up for adoption, he visited you every year on your birthday until you got adopted."

I started to control my breathing. This is too much to take in in one night. I started to yawn. "You tired?" He says letting go of my arm and sitting me down. I nodded. He handed me some pjs and I went into the bathroom to get changed, I took of my shoes and wiped off my makeup. Before I knew it I was asleep.

I was awoken to the sound of birds chirping, I slowly sit up and rub my eyes, please tell me last night was all just a dream. I look over to the the other bed but I don't see Emily, the covers are messy like someone's slept in the bed. Hm. Where did everyone go last night.

I walked out into the other room almost half asleep. I see Micheal cooking something, it smelt like pancakes. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a stool, I saw cal sitting across from me. "Morning sleepy head" she says with a slight laugh. Micheal turns around and smiles. These two were probably the cutest couple I've ever seen in my life. I hope one day they get married because honestly there perfect. Micheal puts some pancakes on everyone plate and we all get to eating. I kinda just sit there stabbing mine with my fork. What went on last night still has not escaped my mind. Michaels takes a huge gulp before spurting out "Hey so Pete dropped off everything last night all your presents are in the other room if you want you can go open them when your done." I felt a smile creep up my face. He collects my plate and ruffles my hair I run off into the other room. I jump onto one of the couches and put my feet up while cal and Micheal walk in holding hands, they both sit on the couch opposite me. I grab the smallest present that was on the top first, it was like a little box, there was a label on top saying "from Harvey" I open the box and found a ring engrave with the date me, him and kira all meet I honestly wanted to cry it was beautiful. I place it on my middle finger and it was perfect fit. As I went down and down the giant mountain of presents I started to get more and more emotional, I got my own personalised pics of Dallon, more jewellery of kira, some merch of josh and Tyler, there was last box that was bigger than the rest. It almost didn't fit on the table. I ripped the paper open to see a box that read 'fender' I felt my heart drop I opened the box to find a brand new fender stratocaster in black and white, I stared at it for a while ,while I covered my mouth with my hands. " I honestly wish I could say I got it for you but I didn't" he quickly ran out to another room a dragged another large box almost the same size as the other. He placed it on my lap and I teared the paper like the last one, but instead this box read Yamaha, again my jaw dropped, before I even opened the box I ran over to him and hugged him tightly, it took me back to the day I was taken away from him, a single tear starts to run to my cheek, I snap back into reality and run to open the box, it was Yamaha FG730S acoustic, that's when the tears started to flow.

We got everywhere cleaned up and I put my new guitars in their cases. I grabbed a fall out boy tank top and a pair of blue denim shorts. I walk to the bathroom to get changed, I straighten my hair and out on my SnapBack, I do my usual make eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. I walk out of the bathroom and sit on the end of my bed, I grabbed my converse and pulled them on tying the laces. I guess it's time to face everyone now. I walk out of my room and start to walk towards a cafe where everyone was eating lunch. I saw my mom and dad sitting talking to Brendon and Harvey and kira on another table. I walked towards my friends when I was stopped in my tracks.

Well shit that was a rollercoaster of emotions wasn't it. Stay tuned though cause it's just getting started.

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