First stop.

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We finally reach the airport. I get out of the car and stretch before walking over to the other car. I grab my stuff and walk inside to meet the others.

We got stopped a couple of times by fans which was cool, we finally made it to our sections and we had an hour to kill. So Brendon tweeted a pictures and said.

At (random airport in LA) for about an hour come meet us if you live close @colouredpaints

We actually got a big turn out, I got chatting to this one girl though who I recognised from Twitter, she was on of the first names I saw talking about us. Holly was her name, so was so sweet and is one of the first og fans. She had shortish brown hair, a great sense of humour and she was my age. I followed her on Twitter and Instagram and everything but we had to leave for our flight.

We were all seated dead arkwadly, I was sat on the end and the other side was Dallon, everyone one else was so far away. I put up my little curtain thing so I didn't have to see the people next to me. And I pulled the blanket over me and watched some movies, first class is great as your kind in your own little box on comfortness and don't have to interact with anyone.

I think I feel alseep for like two hours, I opened my window that was by the walkway and saw Dallon alseep, so I picked up a bag of peanuts and threw them at him quickly rolling my windows back up, I left a little gap so I could film his reaction.

He tapped on my window and I just stayed still like I was asleep. I look at my phone to se what he was doing and he wasn't there. I laughed to myself a little and wait for him to return.

After about five minutes he returns and almost instantly falls back to sleep, I wonder what he did. I turned my phone off and i walked toward to bathroom, while walking down the aisle I saw Brendon, I went to go say hi but he was asleep, and now I understand my Dallon was gone for so long.

Brendon's drink had been knocked over and the liquid was all over his crotch, I laughed and walked to the bathroom. I fixed my hair as my beanie was falling out and I walked back out.

I say drawing for a while and the plane finally landed. I put my sketchbook away and grabbed the rest of my stuff. I quickly ran infront of Dallon so I could get off first, I turned around and stuck my tongue and he rolled his eyes and laughed.

We all meet in the London airport cafeteria kinda thingy, we made sure we had all of our stuff from the conveyer belts and we walked to grab our taxi.

We had to go check out the tour bus first to make sure it was all ok. I was excited as they made a little adjustment to it just for us and I can't wait to see it.

We made I to this weird place just full of buses, I saw another familiars bands bus. I pulled dallons arms and he looked down at me but I was too busy staring at this bus "is that the Green days bus?" He chuckled and nodded, my jaw dropped. Wow these guys most a popular company.

We go around the back to these big shutters and some guy was signalling for it to be opened, we all stood off from the side spot admire it. The shutters opened really slowly but when it finally opened a big black bus backed out. It looked really cool, it hood tentacles all over it with some wine glasses and it was also covered in paint splashes around the edges just for us. It came to a haunted and I walked up to it and stared at it for a while, we all hoped in and drove off.

He whole tentacle thing is for the new album that is actually being launched tonight before our first performance tomorrow. I was so excited for the new album as I was actually a part of it and honestly it's a really cool album, Death Of A Bachelor Brendon named it. We had leaked the first two songs a few weeks back so they had an idea of it.

I threw my stuff in a draw and out my empty suitcase under dallons bed, the room went me at the top and Dallon at the bottom than Kenny at the top Dan at the bottom, then the three others from my band were further along  and Sarah and Brendon had a separate room. It was a double deckered your bus so we had more room for my bandmates.

I hang up my jackets and shirt in a small wardrobe in between our bunk beds and my band mates bunk beds. It's hard to explain how the lay out is for the tour bus. Sorry if I explain it poorly.

I grab my uku and start to strum some things, everyone else is either in the kitchen or in their bunks, I leant on the wall and opened my curtain to reveal Kenny tapping his foot to the beat, so I carried on. I saw him smiling as I hummed along the tune. He was reading a book while also leaning against the wall on the opposite side.

We sing for a bit until we are shushed by Dallon who is trying to watch a movie, I dangle down from my bed and shout. "Rude" and swing back up. I decide to text everyone back home.

Sup fuckers how y'all doing.

Darcy your in England not Texas and I'm fine but Kiras not she got a really bad cold and keeps getting migraines and shit so she can't reply.

Yep I'm tryna stay away from that bitch I don't wanna come down with the flu or something.

Well hope she gets well soon just going out for food bye X

I shut my phone off and hop out into the living area thingy. I take a seat by Micheal and point to my stomach. We all decide to go to a nice restaurant down town. We got zack to park the bus somewhere do it wouldn't get spotted easily.

I ordered a rib and steak combo with a side salad and honestly, it was amazing, I couldn't eat it all as there was so much there. It was a lovely meal and we all got to sit together and catch up on a lot of things about tour.

Dallon gives me a piggy back to the tour bus, guys I'm 16 I swear. And I fall asleep on his shoulders I was jet lagged from earlier. He found this funny and got Brendon to take a picture of us. Dick. I heard him say that I'm surprisingly light, wow thanks for the complement Dallon.

I wake up the next morning still in my clothes from yesterday, but I give credit to who ever took off my makeup because damn I'd be so spotty if they didn't. I get up a decided to take a shower, luckily no one else is awake so I don't have to fight for it. I grabbed a brobecks shirt and some black skinny jeans, I tied up my hair into a fish tail braid and did some cute winged liner with some glittery eyeshadow, mascara and no face makeup at all. I applied setting spray as I'd probably sweat it off later so gotta be prepared.

I walk back out into the bus and grab my slippers, I lounged around for a bit and grabbed and apple, then everyone else started to wake up and just saw my casually sitting ton the sofa.

Kenny hopped off the bed lightly trying to not wake anyone else up and came and sat next to me. I handed him a coffee and we sat there for a while, I scrolled through my laptop as he watched over my shoulder. Than Dallon came and joined us AMD we chatted about random this for a bit. We had a lovely chat until everyone else kinda just dragged themselves out of their beds.

I went downstairs for a while so I could play a few things, I grabbed my bass and played a couple familiar tunes. Panic were called out for an interview on their album that they launched last night. Ffs, and I was asleep for all of the launch. I sighed and went back to playing.

So your finally I'm England and tour is about to begin, sadly you missed the launch of the new album but it's not so bad I mean your gonna open for panic at the disco.

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