We finally did it.

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I make my way to the lobby to meet everyone else.

Brendon shoved us all into a tiny golf cart like thing and drove us to this big building near the hotel.

He wouldn't tell anyone what were doing that day, he just left it for us to find out.

Todays crazy adventure was swimming with sharks, see this is more my style.

I love exploring the sea and all the creatures it holds.

We suited up and headed to the aquarium area.

We got given these really cool helmets that helped us breath and stuff.

Of course it was probably the coolest thing I've ever done.

I admired the sea life as it flew past me.

Sadly that great time had to end as we had to head back and get ready for dinner as we were leaving tomorrow.

We wanted to leave Hawaii with a bang so we were going somewhere fancy.

I got changed into a black crop top and a cream skirt. I curled my hair and threw my beanie on top.

I did my usual makeup and headed back to the lobby.

We were taken up to the roof of the hotel to their roof top garden bar and grill.

The place was decorated with flowers and fairy lights it was like a cute fairy garden or something.

We were seated around a big table. There were so many fancy options I didn't know what to pick.

I ended up going with the steak and ribs option it sounded the best idk.

All the auroras and smells lit up the room like the fairy lights.

No wonder this hotel was rated five stars, just the smell lured me in.

We all toasted to a wonderful weekend and began eating.

The food was the best I've ever tasted in my life. I swallowed my last bite "Wow Brendon their even better than you." Everyone laughs but he just shakes his head.

We talked for a bit and ordered desserts, I passed and Jack gave me a confused looked but I was so sick a,ready.

Everything was finished and we decided to sit in the lounge area and order a couple more drinks.

The lounge area was really nice and chill, I saw an empty piano in the corner of the room.

I stared at it for a while not realising I was daydreaming.

"Beautiful isn't it?" One of the bartender says. "Oh yeah sorry I wasn't with it for a second there." We both laugh in unison.

"So do you play?" He asks me placing our drinks down on the table. He was kind of cute but he didn't beat Harvey, no one can.

"Oh..uh. Kind of I guess" I say rubbing the back of my neck. "Well, why don't you give it a try?" My eyes lit up like a kid in a toy store.

I was excited but pretty nervous, but I guess it's just like a concert. "Okay." Is all I could spit out.

I walk over to the piano and I get a few glares. Brendon raised an eyebrow and slowly walked over.

I scooted over and he sat next to me. I played the on song I absolutely love on the piano.

Is this the real life, is this just fantasy?

I started to play the notes so delicately as I sang in a slight whisper.

I got to the chorus and then Brendon joined in.

We got many people's attention and we got a lot of glares.

I guess people liked it as when we finished people were chanting encourage.

We literally played the same song about 5 times before the other piano guy cam and took over.

We both flop on the couch, I snuggle up to him. "That was amazing kid I'm so proud of you." He says kissing my forehead. "I learned from the best." I say giving him a side smile.

This lovely moment was ruined by a phone call.

I pick up the phone and ran off to the side so I could hear better.

"Hey Micheal what's up?" I say leaning against the wall.

"It's just mark wants to speak to you." He says and then rudely hands up.

Well then.

"Hello?" I say quickly ringing my manager after the short phone call with Micheal.

"Ah Darcy, I have some big news and this may be the highlight of your year." He says almost screaming it.

"Go on." I couldn't wait any longer.

"Coloured paints are going on a 3 month long tour around most of the world.."

Well then, that's that. Darcys band is going on tour. Now your gonna have to wait to see how tour turns out if they ever actually finish it.

So I actually found the old version but I'm kind of wishing i rewrote it as it cringe af but I wanted to release it so I could end this. Thank you dearly for all the support on this book I love you all ❤️🎉

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