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Brendon's POV
"Hey Darc how was school?" I ran over to her and swung her around. "I'm not a kid anymore Bren" she says trying to push away. I let her down and return back to the couch. She just stood there. "So are you gonna tell me what's going or are you just gonna stare at me?" She snapped. I pat the couch by me to signal her to come sit down. She comes over an slowly sits down squinting at me. "Basically, panic are going to the uk for a week for some Christmas shows and they invited you lot to open for them. So he's not on tour without you and there aren't any paparazzi trying to ask why your on tour if you weren't actually performing." Mark spits out. Mark was there guys manager he was an old friend of brains, he's great I can see my they picked him for the job. I saw Darcy's jaw drop. I laughed a little and put my arm around her."so how does that sound then?" I say raising and eyebrow and looking at her. She buried her head into my chest hugging me, she violently shook her head yes. "And it's gonna be a mature tour since your only 16 no alcohol it's strictly forbidden." I saw John cross his arms. We all laugh and got to talk about times and set lists. "Ok so we have 5 songs and we have to sing wallpaper is our best hit." Micheal says with tons of excitement in his voice. I sat back for a bit letting the band talk to each other, I'm not part of this band why should I be part of their conversation. I stand up to grab a coffee. I see Sarah. "Hey" I say kissing her on the side of the head. She smiled. "So I was wondering if you wanted to come on tour with us so Darcy didn't feel so awkward around a load of males" I laugh and take a sip of my coffee. "Of course i don't want her to suffer on her own." She laughs and I playfully punch her on the arm. I walk back into the living room playing with dogs as I walk. I walk back into the living but everyone had gone. "Uh Darc. Where is everyone?" I guess I startled her as she turned around with the most concerned look on her face. "We finished so they left." She says sorting out some pillows before standing up. "Hey I'm going to the mall ok I need some new pencils and a new sketchbook." She says putting her shoes on and picking up her back. "Ok just be back before 8" I kiss her forehead and wave her out. In just about a months time I get to see my Daugther perform live on stage with her band for the first time. She's had her album out for about five months and she's already won a big award. She's a 16 year old teen and already accomplishing things i only believed of when I was her age. I'm so proud of her.

Darcy's POV
"I'm just a poor booooyy I need no sympathy" me, kira and Harvey all sang in unison on the way to the mall. Kiras mum laughed as we sang at almost the same time. "Mother just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger and now he's dead." God I wouldn't ask for any other friends except these guys, sadly Alex couldn't make it some family thing or something. We arrived and hop out of the car. Of course first we went into hot topic because it was only the first floor where we were. I stayed at all of the shirts Infront of me. I picked a couple of news ones and we headed next for the music store. To my suprise I saw our cd on the shelf, Harvey nudged me and smiled. I asked my uncle if I could sign a few and he actually said yes. Can't wait for someone to get on of them.

"I'm hungryyyyyyyyy." Kira started to moan. Harvey sassed back with "your always hungry what's new." We laughed and she pushed us both away. We decided to stop at food court, Harvey and kira went up to order but I wasn't honestly that hungry I was still trying to digest the fact that I'm going on tour with panic at the disco in less than a month. They come back with their food scoffing it down let pigs. "So you guys going to the Christmas dance on the last day?" Kira says quickly swallowing her food. "Probably not I mean we have to pack all the things before tour and get to the first location, I think we leave the day after" I say twiddling my thumbs. Them to talk for a bit, but to be honest I'm in my own little world right now not giving about a care in the world. We went round a couple more stores I wanted to check out some new skirts, I mean I've been rocking the ankle skirt look I need some new ones. I found some cute ones, a black flowery lace one, a navy blue knee high one, I could go on for ever, I've gone from skinny jeans to flowy skirts. But I'll still wear them with band shirts. We leave the mall and head back home. I let Harvey stay around mine for a bit, we talked about winter holiday plans, nothing special just a few day trips before and after tour. I could hear Brendon at my door a couple of times just checking in on us, I get it he is a protective dad. I walk Harvey down stairs to wait for his mum. I hugged him and waved goodbye. I basically stayed in my room the whole night and ended up falling asleep on the floor. I skipped tea, I skipped any conversation with Bren or Sarah, I don't know I just feel really weird like I'm not thinking straight.

Sorry this one is a bit shorter than the other but damn a tour with panic.

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