A different side of the story..

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Darcy's POV

I sat there shaking. No words. Just slight little squeaking noises. I covered my mouth with my hands that were trembling with excitement. I couldn't believe. Me and my band have been nominated for an VMA Award twice and one of them was just me. Being a small band that were pretty much unheard of, this is a huge achievement for us. I run downstairs to my mom who's waiting patiently. Her name's Julie and she's the best adopted mom I've ever had. All I remember was when I was 6 she took me home one day and since then I've not known why I was in a foster home or who put me there. But I didn't care, they adandoned me, and now I have a new family.
"Soooo..." I hear Julie say snapping me out of my trance and now more excited then before.
"Me and and the boys have been nominated for an VMA Award and.." Before I could finish she pulled me into a hug and sat me down on the sofa. Before she could let go or even say anything to me she called everyone else to come into the living room. First I see my older brother, Jack, sprinting down the stairs with his earphones in. While taking one out he says, "What's up has some been murdered?" He crossed his fingers and said in a sarcastic voice. "Please be Emily, please be Emily," He chanted. Emily is my much older sister who also came running down and elbowed Jack on the way past "I heard that dick..." She mumbled. I saw my mums eyes light up with rage but she was too enfolded in the hug to say anything. Last, but not least, my dad. I laugh a little when I saw him mope down the stairs in his robe and slippers. He works late nights so no wonder he is so sleepy. He slowly made it down the stairs, almost tripping over his own feet, my mother signalled for everyone to come sit down before she burst out with "DARCY'S BEEN NOMINATED FOR A VMA!" She says making everyone coo and clap, I even heard Jack cheering, I was too busy with my head in my hands crying to even look at anyone. This is the first time anything like this has happened to me, I mean I won a medal at sports day in school but that's nothing compared to win a freaking VMA. I'm probably one of the youngest to even be nominated for one.
With everyone still clapping I hear a cracked voice say, "So when is it?" I pick up the letter still shaking and crying a little. "The 24th of August," the letter read out ( i don't know when they really happen sorry 😂 ) I sat there almost crying again. I get to go to the VMA Awards on my birthday.
"Well tell us then," I heard a faint voice say I was too busy freaking out that I totally forgot to tell them. "It's on my birthday." I say trying not to spew out tears. This is probably one of the best presents I'll receive that day. We all calmed down, laided back and watch some tv before it hit me, I still need to tell my friends and more importantly, my band mates about this. I let out a little chuckle before speeding up the stairs to my bedroom. I could hear "Where are you going?" my mum and dad both in unison. Before I could answer back I slammed my door and grabbed my phone. I jumped onto my bed and unlocked my phone almost typing in the wrong thing as I could not believe what just happened. I quickly open up my group chat and begin typing with no thought at all.
"Ok so no one freak out I am already for you, I'm kinda going to the VMA Awards.."

I patiently waited for a reply but it wasn't even two seconds before I got an answer.
"Ok so like this isn't real stop lying darcy."
"Ok you can stop with the jokes now darcy there not funny anymore."
*darcy sent a photo*
"Believe me now"

I had no reply for about five minutes I feel they were also freaking out.
"Ok so now my mum fears for her life as I just screamed at the top of my lungs, we need to go shopping it's only in like a week and I'll pay early birthday present 😉"
"My mum will take us meet you all at Darcy's."

I giggled a little before putting my phone down. Ok, so I have about 15 minutes to get changed. I grabbed a Panic! At the Disco tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans. I did my usual makeup, eyeshadow with flicked liner and mascara, and a casual nude lip. I ran into the bathroom, got changed, and straightened my long chestnut coloured hair. I grabbed my Fall out Boy SnapBack and put it on backwards then played with my hair so it looked ok. I went back into my room, looked at myself, smiled. Heading for the door, I stopped in my tracks completely forgetting about my phone. I walked to my bed to pick it up, ran downstairs kissed my parents, waved goodbye, and then I sat on the eerie looking rocking chair that lived on my porch patiently waiting.
"Get in loser we're going shopping" I hear Harvey say from the passenger window. Harvey and his movie quotes. Keep expecting those. I get up from the rocking chair and walk towards the car when I feel someone hug me from behind. Before they could let go or before I could even turn around i shout, "Kira do that again and you won't have any arms left to hug with,". I feel her slowly move away unwrapping her arms from around my waist. I giggle a little and so does everyone in the car. We jump in and Harvey's mum sets off to the mall. We natter for a while talking about things we wanna buy, I need a new mic and some new pics, I swear I had about fifty and now I'm left with just one. We obviously decide to go into hot topic because, reasons. We get out of the car, wave to Harvey's mum and set off inside.

We ended up going to the music store first as it was on the first floor, my uncle owned this shop and just yesterday I met one of my idols in here, Brendon freaking Urie, I tried not to cry but it was almost impossible. This store gives me so many good memories here it's unreal. That thought was shattered when we heard a thousand screeches coming from outside the shop. We went to go investigate when suddenly three equally short men and a huge tall one all walk into the music store. Ok you can probably guess who it is as Kira was screaming in my ear. Thanks Kira. Brendon gave me this look and smiled.
"Ahhh we meet again.." He paused. I tried to spit out my name but before I could Kira ruins the moment asking them if we could all take a group photo.
"Sure, we wouldn't mind," I hear Dallon say near the back and the rest of them nod. I give my phone to my uncle and he snaps the picture for us. It went Kenny, Harvey, Brendon, me, Dallon, Kira and Dan. It was such a good picture. We were gonna let them be and go to another store when I saw Dallon look down at my shirt, he nudged Brendon and gave me a wink. "Nice shirt pal," he says before they all go to look at all the instruments. Wow, I met Brendon Urie twice in one week. We ended up not going to look for a dress as we were so hungry. We were talking about the awards when I realised.. "Crap I still haven't told the boys!"

Wow you and Brendon keep bumping into each other what's that all about. Also your band mates still don't know about the award, I guess with everything going on you just got caught up in everything. Just don't leave it too late to tell them.

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