I have nothing.

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Brendon's POV

"So what you gonna do next?" The words flew out of my mouth without even thinking.

You could see darcys face drop. I try and quickly change the subject.

"Right which house did you say holly?" She quickly replied with.

"Turn the next right and its house number 46" she says pointing to a street.

She hops out of the car and we all wave. "Right next stop your house!" Dallon says patting my shoulder.

I could see darcy look a little upset/confused. What have i done..

I pulled up on the drive, we all hoped out and walked back into the house, Dallon ran straight to the fridge and busted out the pop (we responsible adults ok.)

Well I'm not so I grabbed a beer. But Dallon, Darcy and Harvey were responsible. Everyone else was not getting home tonight..

Dallon connected his phone up to my speakers and we just had an amazing time. I think this helped Darcy clear her head a little as she was enjoying herself.

And of course Alex and kira had to burst through the door and make their grand entrance, I'm so great full for the friends that Darcy has made. They are true to her and not little snakes like cindy.

We were all too lazy to cook, so I just ordered a couple of pizza instead.

I anxiously kept checking my phone as i had a 'suprise' for darcy.

I was worried, i mean they were so close and now they havent spoke in forever.

I decided to be respectful and put my phone away. I joined in with everyone else in the living room.

I jumped over the couch trying not to spill my beer everywhere.

"Whoops" i say realising that was a bad idea.

Darcy took off her gown and put a hoodie on.

She grabbed her flask and snuggled under my arm, she must be tired.

I lay a blanket on her.

The doorbell rang and micheal got up to get the pizza.

We all kinds just sat around eating and watching some movies. I played with Darcy's hair to try and relax her, she was kinda stressed from before, she needs to rest.

It feels like yesterday she was just a little girl, I remember the day she was adopted..

"Hello mr Urie, um Darcy is being adopted and we thought you might like to see her one last time." I dropped the phone and ran to my car.

The keys almost falling out of my trembling fingers, this may be the last time I ever see my daughter again.

That thought kept replying in my mind, no it won't be, I'll make sure of it.

I hop in the car and speed down the highway, I'm pretty sure I broke many laws nah well who cares.

I quickly park my car horribly and run inside, I flailed my arms around trying to run up to Darcy's room. There she was, she was wearing here favourite tutu skirt and bunny jumper.

"Hey Bren, today apparently I'm moving somewhere I'm really excited, apparently I have a new family but I thought these people were my family, but I'm not bothered my new family seemed nice."

I laughed at how fast she could talk, she seemed so excited. I interrupted her with a hug.

"Be good ok kid?" I say ruffling her hair and smiling at her.

"Exscuse me I'm always good" she says sticking her tongue out and laughing.

I could have killed for just one more moment but her foster carer knocks on the door and takes Darcy away.

I just stood there I honestly couldn't move, I tried to but no movement, just the screams of Darcy, tears fell from my eyes.

"But I wanna say goodbye.." We're her last words I'll ever here from her. I hope she grows up to be big some day, that kid deserves it.

I was disturbed by a vibration in my pocket.

We are one our way now our plane was delayed we are so sorry Bren.

A smile lit up on my face, but Darcy was so peaceful, oh well. I violently shuck her screaming " Darcy wake up!" In her ear.

She flew up in a sudden state of panic, "what!?!" She did like a ninja stance, it was great.

I just laughed " nothing your gonna miss the best part!" I say lying pointing at the screen.

She groaned and sat back up.

Darcy's POV

I sat up and put my hoodie over my knees. I sighed and walked to go grab another coffee.

I sipped it as i walked back to the couch, dragging my feet along the floor.

I look up and spit the mouth full of coffee out. I almost drop my mug.

I place it on the table and ran to the couch "Emily! Julie! Your all here!" I say jumping on them all squeezing them.

Its been so long i mean i spoke to emily on the phone but its not the same.

"Were so so sorry we couldnt make it to your graduation ceremony our flights were delayed" julie says pulling away and frowning.

"Your here now thats all that matters!" I say smiling.

We chat about whats happened the past 6 months. Emily and jack have passed uni and julie got a new, well paying job.

I mean steve still had to work late so he was pretty tired. Also probably jet lag too.

We showed them to their rooms as they were staying for a week to catch up.

Gosh, i missed them so much. They took me in and gave me such a good life before all of this happened and i will forever be greatful for it.

It was starting to get late, so emily said goodnight as she went to her room.

I put my pjs on, connected my phone to its charger and sat on my bed for a while just staring out of the window.

I was about to climb under my covers when i heard a knock. I whispered "come in" and brendon entered slowly.

I patted the bed to signal him to sit down. He sits down and i rest my head on his shoulder.

"Im so sorry for earlier i didnt know it was the wrong time to say anything" he says rubbing my back.

I sighed. "Its fine. Its just. Im worried i have nothing planned for the future yet." I look down and twiddle my thumbs.

"Darcy your in a band, you art amazing, and you have the voice of an angel, which ever direction you pick ill be there to support it i promise." He kisses the top of my head.

"Goodnight Darcy."

Well thats school gone. Does this mean college or another path?

So i recently started watching stranger things omg that shit got me shook.

Lmao me publishing this rn its christmas so merry christmas ya fucks have another shitty chapter. I formally appologise for this book oml. I love you all, stay grand my hoes ❤🎄

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