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A few weeks, maybe a month later.

I hear my alarm ringing beside me. I slam my hand on the bedside table a couple of times before it shut up. I sighed and slowly dragged myself to the wardrobe. School. My worst enemy. Luckily with new parents didn't come new school so I didn't have to leave everyone behind. This past month I've been so distant from everyone, I haven't really talked to my friends, I've spoken to my band mates a couple of times to talk about new songs but that's about it. We have recently blown up. It's been unreal seeing our fan count get higher almost brings tears to my eyes. We started off just playing in Brian's basement but now I'm pretty sure soon we will be playing gigs, we've been to like one or two were like ten people showed up but that's been it. We've never preformed live Infront of a huge crowd, and I'm hoping soon that dream will come a reality. I grab a panic shirt (of course gotta make a good first impression) some blue ripped jeans, my favourite leather jacket and a pair of black doc boots. I walk over to the bathroom to get changed. I straighten out my long brown hair and put on my SnapBack, I do my usual makeup minus the lipstick cause I'm too lazy for that and I'm dragged out of my room by the smell of homemade pancakes. I make my way downstairs to the kitchen to see Brendon and Sarah there, Brendon is making pan.. Hang on. Brendon. Is making pancakes. That actually smell good. Well I'm probably dead. I walk over and grab a stool. "Morning Darc." He says kissing me on the forehead. "Morning!" Sarah says smiling. "Ugh" I say slamming my head on the counter. School. More like hell. All my teachers hate me except my music teacher, my art teacher thinks I'm ok but still has her favourites. Brendon gives me a plate of pancakes and some to Sarah and sits down with his own. "So excited to start your last year of high school?' Brendon says stuffing his mouth full of pancakes. I shovelled down the pancakes and took a swig of my drink. "Kinda I mean Its my last year of school il, be finished soon but I have to do my GCSEs." I sighed as he put the plates in the sink.

I hear Harvey's mum pull up outside and she honked her horn. I grab my glasses from the counter and walk over to the door. Sarah and Brendon both kissed me on the cheek and waved goodbye as I walked over to the car. I felt my heart drop, I hadn't spoken to Harvey in such a long time I'm suprised that he still picks me up. I get in the car to see kira sitting in the back and Harvey sitting in the front. I enter and they both turn to me and smile "sup Darc" they both say in unison. We chatted the whole ride there and we jumped out and headed towards to front gates. The headteacher was there greeting all the new students, are head teacher (Mrs willow) was probably one of the nicest women I've ever meet. She's not like any other head teacher we've ever had, she still has strict rules but somehow doesn't make them seem as bad as they are, she's super chill and laid back. "Morning Darc welcome back, congratulations on your VMA award we expect more great things from you" she smiles and winks, I laugh and wave to her as I enter the building. It then hit me that today was not gonna be good.

The bell rang signalling it was finally time for break. Me, Harvey and kira all meet in the canteen at our usual spot. I had people come over to us and of course ask about what it's like to be 'famous' I didn't ignore them because that was just rude, I just straight up told them I'm not famous I'm just normal like the rest of the people in this school. Some people didn't care which made me happy to be honest because the social anxiety started to creep up on me, I don't socialise well. It's hard to speak to people sometimes. "Right what do you have next?" Harvey looked me in the eyes and smiled. "Music with miss fletcher." I smiled. "Me two!" He high fived me and turned to kira. "And you?" He says raising his eyebrow. "Double science." She holds her fingers to her head in the shape of a gun. We all laugh and the bell rings. We headed to our classes and were greeted by our teachers. Of course miss fletcher had a seating plan but she always put me by the empty seat because she knows how terrible I am at talking to people. "Ok so to start off a brand new school year you are gonna learn any song of your choice and preform it next week. The performance will go towards your final grade. You may work alone or in a pair." I nudge Harvey and he laughes. As soon as she was gonna dismiss us a boy with short, blonde curly hair Stumbled into the classroom. "Alex?" Miss fletcher questioned and the boy nodded. No. They only spare seat was by me. Great. She spoke about this boy but I kinda zoned out. He walked over to me and sat down. Please don't talk to me. Please don't talk to me. Please.." Hey I'm Alex what are we doing?" He says in a whisper. I roll my eyes and answer "we are doing any song of our choice." I say and I turn back to Harvey. He taps me on the shoulder. "Hey could I like follow you around the school not in a weird way I just need to be shown were to go." Why me. I nod and we were dismissed from the tables. Me and Harvey claimed a small music room with a dram set and a variety of other instruments. "So, what song you wanna do?" Harvey asked slowly hitting the drums with the sticks. "I was thinking..." Before I could finish Alex walked into the room. "Dude, what are you doing we are trying to practice here." I say sitting down grabbing a bass. "Sorry I was just wondering where the acoustics were." I pointed behind him, he took one off the wall thanked us and walked out. I shake my head and tune the guitar. "Anyway I was thinking some green day, maybe Paramore."

The bell rang again and this time it was lunch, Alex just followed me to the canteen and sat on the end of the table away from us. He pulled out a lunch bag and started eating. "Alex you can sit closer you know?" I say signalling him to come sit with us. He comes and takes the seat by me. "ISo tell us about your self" kira says resting her head in her hand. "Well I'm Alex, I'm 15, I'm originally from Las Vegas, I'm a huge fan of music and I'm gay."
School am I right. I recently started and I already wanna cry myself to sleep every night woo. And wow this Alex kid am I right. Just straight out and forward with It. Just meet him and he has already come out to us.

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