Give it back Bren!

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I feel my eyes slowly open to the sound of birds chirping. I slowly remove my legs and head off dallons lap and Brendon's shoulders. They were still asleep I didn't want to awake them. I walk over to the kitchen still half alseep and I see Kenny. I must not have noticed he was gone in there. He waves and I wave back, we both pour some cereal and eat it and in no time thirty minutes have passed, Dallon, Dan and Brendon were still sleeping. Kenny lit up like a lamp and give me the most evil look. Oh I knew what he was on about and it was gonna be great. I slowly open on of the kitchen draws and route for a sharpie, gold hmm even better. I grab it out of the draw and signal Kenny to go into the living room to check if they were still sleeping, he gives me a thumbs up and I creep in. First up, Dallon. I decided to give Dallon a little crown on his forehead and a curly mustach, Kenny almost blew everything as he laughed out loud, Brendon rolled over so we could get the perfect view of his face, so I guess he helped. I quickly run over to Brendon and give me a marvellous beard and I put a line going from the top of his forehead to the bottom and quoted "15 inches" because damn his forehead needs to chill... I throw Kenny the sharpie and he walks over to Dan, he reaches his hand out and pulls off the lid, before he could draw anything Dan grabs kennys arm, Kenny let out the  most high pitch squeal I've ever heard. Dan burst into a fit of laughter while Brendon and Dallon jump up with no hesitation, Kenny looks like he is about to wet himself and I'm honestly just standing there in shock. "That's what happens when you mess with the Dan mister" Dan says wiping away tears. At this point Brendon and Dallon have no clue what's going on and Kenny is throwing pillows and Dan. "Hey Darc.." Dallon tried to say before I interrupt. "The bathroom awaits for you two boys now run along we don't have much time to waste!" I say with a slight giggle at the end. They both give me a confused look and storm off to the bathroom. Before any hesitation I ran to my room. As I slammed the door I heard in a deep voice my name being screamed at the top of Brendon's lungs. Uh oh. I heard him running up the stairs. He started to bang on my door, "Darcy open up right now you little.. Devil, or I'll knock this door down myself!"  The banging stops, I sigh and sink down onto the floor. I start to laugh when I hear rustling in the tree outside my window. Wait, ok this is taking things to far. I walk over to it and before I could take a look Brendon pops up and opens the window. I ran. I unlocked my door and ran. I saw Dallon spot me and ran after me too. Shit. I'm trapped. I ran outside while both of them came from different sides. I slammed my pockets to see if I had my phone on me, luckily I didn't. I threw my arms in the air and shouted "See ya later boyyys" as I launched myself into the pool backwards.

Brendon's POV
Oh she's had it now. I walked over to the pool cover controls and started to close the pool cover. "Woah woah Brendon your gonna kill her" I hear Dallon shout from the sidelines. I knew what I was doing. I let some of the water out so she had room between the cover and the water to breath. I'm responsible. I heard her laughing the little shit. But soon this laughing turned to screaming. She's trying to trick me. Funny Darcy funny. "Ok Brendon open it up now she's obviously not ok" Dallon says with panic in his voice. I shake my head. The screaming was added with banging on the cover. And it went silent. Dallon ran over to me, opened the pool and jumped in. I just laughed. "She's tricking us Dallon she's fine" I say while shaking my hands. He finally came up to the surface after about ten seconds and dragged himself and Darcy out of the pool. Darcy was breathing really heavily and she was almost out of breath. I ran over to them. Dallon lifted her back up a little and patted her back while she burst into a coughing fit. "Shit Darcy are you ok? I thought you were messing with us, I...I swear I let some water out you should have been able to swim." I say holding her hand and rubbing my fingers against her knuckles. She suddenly sits up and stops coughing. "Got youuuuuuu" she says while running back into the house. Dallon gave me this  kinda pissed off look. He was not happy.

Dallon walked into the house with only two strides, his suit dripping wet but he wanna kill Darcy and I was sure of that. I heard Darcy's door slam and lock. Ok she has a lock but I have a pissed Dallon. I think we all know who is gonna win here. He strides up the stairs and reached her door in no time. He banged on it a couple of times but of course she didn't answer. In a fit of rage Dallon kicks the door and we hear a noise sounding like metal hitting something. Ok so Dallon just broke a lock, I told you, pissed Dallon can best anyone. He swings open the door and barges in. He stops in the door way and squints at Darcy, she drops the towel she was using to dry her hair and puts her hands in the air. Before any words could escape her mouth, Dallon had her on the floor tickling her until she apologised. I just stood there and laughed, I saw a book on her drawers reading 'diary' this is gonna be juicy, I grabbed the book and ran.

Darcy's POV
I saw Brendon run out with a book in his hands. No he can't have that no. He can't read it. I pushed Dallon as hard as I could and managed to escape I ran out of my room to find Brendon reading out passages of my diary to Kenny and Dan. "Harvey gave me this look today and I was in awe I could have just savoured that moment forever." He says trying to contain his laughter. I ran down while Dallon watched from the top of the stairs. "Brendon give it back don't read on from there please." Before I could say anymore I felt the tears running down my face as he splurged out the words, "the fact that I'm still alive right now kills me inside but also I'm kinda relived." I see Brendon squint at the book. I drop to the floor and burst into a massive flood of tears.

Can I stop adding so much drama into this book like damn sorry guys if you don't like drama, everything is just happening all of a sudden damn.

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