Chapter 21: New York Again

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This time it was just Henderson, Derek, Dotty, Olivia, and I in 216. I was a little curious so I just asked straight away, “Where’s everyone else?”

                “This is a pretty simple, no harm filled mission, and we shouldn’t need the others. The Panel just needs us to bring a couple of documents over to New York headquarters. Simple stuff, but they can’t just send it with anyone. Plus we get to stay till Tuesday. The others didn’t want to come anyways; they said they had to study and other stuff.”

                “Wait you said New York?” I said with a smile taking over my face.

                “I did.”

                “Like New York City, New York?” The inside of me was getting bubbly now. Maybe things were going to brighten up for me.

                “Yup.” He broke out in a smile, which made me guess that he knew all along that I was from there.

                “We can stay at my place! Let’s go!” I closed my eyes and was about to teleport us back to my apartment when Henderson interrupted.

                “Wait! We have to pack.” He was laughing and look happy that I was in a better mood these days.

                I ran up and hugged him and ran out the door as I pulled Dotty with me. “You are going to love my apartment! And New York! Hurry up!”

                “Whoa, I’m excited and everything but why are you excited? Didn’t you just go last weekend?” She managed to say as she was trying to keep up with me. “And speaking of teleporting, why didn’t you just teleport us to our dorm?”

                “You’re right.” I stopped and teleported us to our dorm. We split to our designated rooms to start packing, but we kept talking. “And yeah, I did go, but that was with,” I cut myself off and rethought what I was about to say. If I told her I was with Matt she’d have a bunch of questions and I couldn’t tell her yet, or maybe even ever. “I was by myself and now I get to show my friends!” I said loud enough for her to hear me.

                 “Any boys back in New York? Is that why you declined Derek’s ever so gracious offer?” I could imagine her winking and nudging me if we were in the same room.

                “No, there are no boys back home waiting for my arrival. How many times do I have to tell you I’m trying to stay focused? Speaking of guys, I never got to meet yours the day of the dance.”

                “Yeah, he had an emergency mission and couldn’t make it. Maybe the three of us can hang out when we get back from New York. You’re going to love him.”

                “I’m holding you to that. I have to see who the man of my new bestie is.” Hmm, bestie, I liked the sound of that. Plus, Dot was more of a friend than Nat ever was to me. Even if I wasn’t in the AOSS and she wasn’t a Malum, she would’ve betrayed me eventually. She barely stood up for me when some girl tried to attack me during field hockey. I should’ve seen it coming.

                “You got your things packed?”

                “Yeah, I just packed essentials, I have clothes at home. What about you?”


                “Let’s get to New York!” And we were off. Everyone coming with us from 216 met back at 216 and had a quick talk. Henderson told us that we should get work done first and then have fun. I actually agreed with him, because personally I hated hanging out and having to worry about work. It’s better to just get everything done with before you relax, and relaxation was something I didn’t get too often. As soon as everyone was ready I made everyone gather around me. I felt it helped with the whole process. I transported us to my apartment, and for the first time everyone landed on their feet and not their faces. “This,” I said as I spread my arms out wide, “is my home.” 


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