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I did not tell half of what I saw for I knew I would not be believed... Marco Polo

"Nathan...Get up," I say as I try and shake him awake but being carefully not to shake him too hard, just in case the train falls. I look around the train taking in all the features the train is in horrible condition, doesn't help it shows the features of being old as some of the metal around the train has come off and is rusted so we could fall any minute if we're not carefully.

"Nathan! Come on get up!" I carry on shaking him and trying to encourage him to get up, I hear a groan and I notice Nate is starting to wake up, Nate groans again before cover his eyes properly from the bright light. I place my hands on either side of his cheeks before I start checking his wounds, his forehead, cheek and lip are covered in blood, a lot worse than my wounds.

"What's going on" Nathan whispers, as he looks around the train. "I don't know" I reply as I smile, so happy to see he's ok. He tries to get up but stopped with a groan, we both look down to she his torso covered in blood. How did I not see this?

"That's my blood" Nate says with a panic before he starts panicking a bit more. "That's my blood, that's a lot of my blood." I grab Nates face once again before bringing his face from looking at the ceiling to look at me.

"'re going to be fine, we are going to get out of here," I promised I hope I can keep this promise. I let go Nates head before I turn to look out of the window once again to see snow and cliffs, we're definitely hanging. Nate follows and also looks out of the window, he squints his eyes as he looks.

"What?..." Nate asks in confusion, obviously not understanding how we got here, I actually have no idea how we got here but we will get out in one piece. Suddenly things from the top of the train start to fall towards us, I quickly grab Nate and pull him out of the way. "Oh God," Nate says before the chair we both now sat in starts to give away.

Nate jumps towards the chair further up but I didn't have time and fell out but thankfully landing on the railing from the outside but I did slide off but I thankfully had time to grab onto the railing, I start moving, just in time as Nate came crashing down.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I start climbing the train, from underneath. "Yeah...I'm fine" I hear Nate say. "Are you okay?" I look down to see Nate following, thank god. I didn't both answering, getting off this train is more important. I climb past the wheels but as Nate tried to the train moved causing a large rock covered in snow to fall and break the way I got up. I look down to see Nate still climbing. I'm so glad that didn't hit him.

We carried on climbing but almost everytime we did the train moved causing the cliff to crumble even more and destroy parts of the train. I go to the side and find a large pole going all the way up, easier than jumping from different parts. I start climbing up it a bit faster but being carefully not to move the train. Once I got to the top of the pole I hear Nate groan and whispering to himself before I hear a squeak. I look down again to see the pole had detached and now is a hanging bit.

Suddenly I hear Nate scream as the pipe moves away from the train and is now turning to the other side of the train. "Nathan!" I shout, hoping I would get a reply. I didn't release I was holding my breath until Nate replies. I sign in relief before I carry on climbing up the train.

Once I get to the top of the train, I look through a gap to see Nate climbing inside, holding onto the chairs as he climbed. I've never felt so scared as if Nate didn't anything wrong, he would be falling to him death which I don't want even with how much I actually hate him. I watch as Nate jumps to another chair but it swung him outside as one of the legs gave away.

I carefully walk towards the way I had gotten up to see Nate climbing up the rest of the pole but the train moved, worse than last time, causing my to fall off the edge, I scream as this happened but I did keep a hold of the edge before I pull myself up, I turn around to see Nate also pulling himself up.

I grab onto his arms and pull him up, causing him to groan in pain. Once Nate is back to his feet and is now taking a few deep breaths I lead him to the next part of the train which is off the edge but not like the one we are standing on.

I quickly jump for the small ladder on the train before climbing up to only make the train move closer to the edge. Once I get up I hold onto the doorway. I look over my shoulder to see Nate standing behind me, I notice the smile he gives me as I was about to smile back the train moves again and now starting to fall.

"Run!" I shout as I start running up the carriage. I run in front of Nate before I jump off the train just as it started to lift but Nate was still on the train, the only thing I could do is move back just in case Nate jumps and...that is what he did. Nate jumps out of the train and lands on the edge of the cliff. I jog over to Nate and help him up from the edge. Nate rolls on the floor before collapsing properly from exhaustion.

"Nate! Wake up!"

Not Be Believed-Nathan Drake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now