Chapter 14

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I keep firing bullets at all the soldiers, we haven't long finished the others inside and now there are load more outside with lasers too and Elena and Jeff are in trouble, I slowly sneak behind the final man, kicking him in the back of the head before flipping my gun so I'm holding the other end, swinging it so the holders hits the back of his head, knocking him out.

"Assholes!" I say to myself before I sprint to where Elena and Jeff are hiding, I run in to see Chloe and Nate already there, Elena holding onto a wounded Jeff, I gasp as I stand next to Chloe once I seen Jeff with a bullet wound in his waist.

"Elena... are you ok?" I ask as Nate pulls Jeff up, I quickly go over to her, she nods her head as she tries to hide her worry, "Y-yeah, I'm fine," She replies, smiling at me which I knew was fake but left it.

Elena quickly holds onto Jeff, helping out Nate whilst Chloe tries to protest, "He's fine, aren't you, chief?" Nate says trying to lighten the mood, "Yeah, your tuff one," I say as I go to open the door, only for Chloe to stop me.

"He's never gonna make it, we have to leave him!" Chloe says and Elena refused, "We can't leave him behind! That's just sick!" I snap and I glare at her and moved to open the door, "You're going to get us all killed!"

"And guess what!" I snapped as she walked past, Elena at my side, "You will be killed if you don't START MOVING!" I shout angrily, glaring at her. Elena holding me back from hurting her, we both glare at each.

Elena grabs my arm and pulls me away, I quickly apologise to her as she never seen me like that, like you can tell I can snap easily especially someone like Jeff is hurt,I'd do the same if Chloe was demanding for us to leave Elena behind, well there is more of a chance of me killing her.

"Let's go," I growl still pretty angry, I lead the way gun out at the ready just in case some more soldiers turn up, my walk turns into a sprint once people started firing at us, I stand next to Elena as we both started firing rounds at the guy above us.

"Quick Nate! We'll cover you!" I shout to Nate over the firing bullets, once Nate had carried Jeff away from the bullets I quickly follow behind still firing at the soldiers trying my hardest to kill them so they didn't injure Nate and Jeff, even more, or possibly kill them, I can't even stand the thought of that.

Every second, Jeff got weaker and not only that we almost lost Elena from a rocket launcher which opened the gate for us, I quickly run over to her, helping her up, she thanks me before takes off running after the others, I follow behind but a bit slower as I reload my gun.

But stopped and ran to cover once I noticed a large black truck with a machine gun on the back, stop in our pathway I quickly run through the shop, to only be tackled by one of the soldiers, I groan from the impact of the floor and the punch in the face from the man.

I chuckle at him before kneeing him in the crotch, causing him to roll off of me, I quickly climb on top of him and punched him in his face a few times before standing back up, aiming my gun at him and fired one single bullet into his skull.

We all finally reach a safe place which is in a destroyed house but I knew it wasn't going to be safe for long, Chloe was the first one in then Nate carrying Jeff then me and Elena, I take a deep breath before holding onto my side, whilst I was running into here, a bullet hit my waist but only skimmed it so nothing serious, Jeff is the person we need to worry about right now and I can take it, I've had worse.

"Oh, shit-" I hear Elena shout only for Chloe cut her off, "That's all right. We can make it."

"He won't!" I say as I help Nate put Jeff on the floor. "Okay- you tried, but it's over," Chloe says as I glare at her, I can't believe she can leave someone so easily, oh wait I can!

Not Be Believed-Nathan Drake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now